
Well Known Member

I'm in the process of getting my work space set up and laying everything out. I have a 20x40 detached garage that was formally RV storage (not the flying kind lol). I currently have my woodworking gear in one of my attached 2-car bays, but a recent addition to the household (GF) has me needing to clear out that bay.

My question is: Does anyone do occasional woodworking in their RV build space? Aside from the obvious issues of getting dust on/in everything is there any other reason not to? I intend to have a sealed off paint booth area with filtered air.

I guess I'm just wondering how much of a PITA I could potentially be causing myself and thought I'd see what other experienced builders might have to say. Thanks :)
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Just manage your dust going both ways. An RV build can produce quite a bit of aluminum dust when finishing edges, etc....
My question is: Does anyone do occasional woodworking in their RV build space? Aside from the obvious issues of getting dust on/in everything is there any other reason not to?

At my favorite makerspace, cutting aluminum in wood shop is not allowed because the hot shavings can ignite the wood dust inside dust collectors. You won't be using a circular saw or CNC router on your RV, so if you use common sense in managing your flammables you should be OK.

Not directly related but this seems like a teachable moment: there are wood finishes that will spontaneously burst into flames if you leave soaked rags in a wastebasket. Use vented metal wastebaskets and pay attention to where your VOCs go...
You can also use a lot of your woodworking tools on the build: band saw, table saw (carbide tipped blade), belt sander, disc saner (both table mounted).....
I have a full woodworking shop in my walk-out basement. I also built my RV-6A down there. I did not do much to control the Al dust, but I do have an elaborate wood dust collection system. No issues with either material dust.
Work shop

I do but I vacuum and sweep between work sessions. Some of the tools get used for both so they get cleaned and vacuumed as well. Sounds like a lot of work but if you make it routine, it's nothing.
I have both wood work and the RV in the same space. I have to clean the RV periodically, no big deal.
Yeah I figure I might pick up a dust collector, and make sure not to use it when I'm cutting aluminum...

Glad to hear others do the same without issue.

Thanks for the input!