
Well Known Member
I'm looking for those with experience (positive or negative) with the CO Guardian brand units. Specifically, I'm curious as to reliability, false positives, true positives and longevity.

Co Guardian

Doug: I recieved one as a gift and since we don't have a lot of cold wx. here it took a while to use it. It didn't work at all. Sent it back under warranty and they sent a new one.It didn't work at all either. They were all concerned and said to send it back also. I did, and a month later I have heard nothing.I wouldn't waste your money or really trust one.
CO guardian

I bought one of the portable units at OSH '05. It was a show special, listed as $20.00 less than normal price. I have not noticed any problems with the unit and it appears to function.

My only problem is that when I got home from the show and the charge showed up on my credit card, the guy had added a $20 "service charge" to the price, wiping out the show special "buy". Now, this service charge was not mentioned anywhere on his display at OSH, nor on the receipt. I disputed it with the cc company and ended up only paying the show special. I have a hard time trusting this guy, obviously.