How does that work???

So how does playing in/around the clouds work in Canada??
Do you get a block altitude on IFR flight plan?? Some kind of special ATC clearance??
How do you get around the VFR cloud clearance requirements, or are you IFR??
Just wondering, thanks.

I ask for special VFR if there are lots of clouds around. As long as ATC approves it the requirements are clear of cloud with visual reference to ground. I wouldn't request it if there was any other traffic around but up here we're pretty much always solo airborne on weekends.

Otherwise it 500ft vert and 2000ft horz separation. Aeros are outside CZ

If that doesn't work you can ask for IFR clearance in the zone with block altitudes.
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Special VFR minimums only apply in a control zone...1 mile vis for airplanes and clear of cloud
ATC can?t approve Special VFR outside the zone
I suppose ATC could allow aerobatics in a control zone with Special VFR minimums...
Otherwise it?s 500 feet vertically and 1 mile horizontally from cloud
Uncontrolled above 1000agl it?s 1 mile vis , 500 vertically and 2000 horizontal from cloud
I enjoyed the video, but you really should talk more about the next build. Only one small blurb unless I missed something. Really ambitious of you to start a plane build in the middle of a truck build!!
Special VFR minimums only apply in a control zone...1 mile vis for airplanes and clear of cloud
ATC can?t approve Special VFR outside the zone
I suppose ATC could allow aerobatics in a control zone with Special VFR minimums...
Otherwise it?s 500 feet vertically and 1 mile horizontally from cloud
Uncontrolled above 1000agl it?s 1 mile vis , 500 vertically and 2000 horizontal from cloud

Aeros not in control zone of course. I mentioned special VFR in the control zone only. Don?t read too much into regs and the videos. It?s a compiled series of videos from various locations. I also talk to tower since I?m a military pilot here and tell them my plan. You have to be very careful making YouTube content.
I enjoyed the video, but you really should talk more about the next build. Only one small blurb unless I missed something. Really ambitious of you to start a plane build in the middle of a truck build!!

July 13th........................
The wings in the rack at the end of the video kind of let this one out of the bag.
At least we know what it is.