Future RV 9 Flyer

Active Member
I think I'm ready to rivet on the bottom skins but thought I'd ask first,is there anything I'm forgetting.Roll servoe and leading edge landing light installed and wired.nav/strobe wire pulled in conduit along with extra string.Anything else? Thanks. Dave
OAT probe for EIS or EFIS

I got my OAT probe in the right wing for the EFIS outside the propeller arc.
I recommend compliance with the safety bulletin prior to wing closeout. (I'm not looking forward to how I have to get in there....):



This SB is only required if you have a crack not per default:

For RV-3/3A/3B, 4, 7/7A, 8/8A, 9/9A aircraft:
Inspect for cracks as described in this document. If cracks are present in the spar web, stop drill the cracks and install aileron attach doublers as described in this service bulletin.

Best regards