
I am almost finished, but wondering whether it is better to leave the top open for... wiring? other accessibility issues?
In other words how sorry would I be if I do close it and continue per instructions (TC assembly, flight controls wires later on?)
Tsachy Nevo.
If you do things in the order presented in the instructions, they have you install the trim wires, run strings for the stabilator control cables, and install the static system lines BEFORE you attach the top skin. With all that stuff in place, I figured it was OK to attach the top skin as indicated in the plans.

When attaching the F-1283C J-stiffener, I didn’t put a rivet in the 10th hole. According to Step 1 on Drawing 42CiS/U-09, you need to remove this rivet to install the stiffener for the Dynon ADAHRS.