
Well Known Member
I had a moment on Saturday that many have probably shared. My plane has been flying since November and pretty much all the cosmetic stuff finished by February. The main work bench in my hanger has never been cleaned up since and had tools laying about, some miscellaneous hardware and of course some junk. Along with that was my Vans binder with all the instructions and preview plans laying open underneath my pneumatic rivet squeezer covered in sanded fiberglass dust.

It never occurred to me knowing that the plane felt like an ongoing project even though done, that I should put everything away. It has been much more fun to fly it then sit back after a flight talking with the guys that stop by and drinking a beer from the fridge.

So, Saturday after a glorious morning flight, I walk back to the bench and take a look around and say to myself it's now time to clean up. I put the tools away, throw away the trash, then look at the open book. In my head the thought comes do I really need the book open anymore? I get a lump in my throat as I blow off the dust and ceremoniously close it after four years and 1400 hrs of my life.

The project is done.
Don't put it to far away.

Congratulations on "closing the book." However, the project will never be done. There will be new toys to add or update. You will find things you want to change.
I've been flying my -6 since May of 1993 and I'm still changing things.
Example: In 1993 virtually no one installed fuel flow, EFIS, GPS, very few had A/P, etc.
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I agree with Mel, the project is never quite done....but you might as well close the book, because you're going to need room to open the next one anyway...;)

Nice post!