
Well Known Member
a pat on back is close to a hug.

I took of at -10C at 5PM. A Cessna 320 was inbound and I knew the voice. Hey, Bob how's it going, chit chat. Upon him entering the pattern, I heard "Steve, I can't get my gear down". He was returning from the Avionics shop that had installed a L3 and new audio panel. I asked him to join me perpendicular to field at 5 miles to have a look. The gear was up. He began to crank the gear down manually for his first real situation. I verified it was down. He swung a 180 and landed uneventfully and then stopped over at my hangar afterwards. I got a pat on the back but it seemed like a hug.

This is the same avionics shop I walked away from a couple of years ago because it didn't seem focused. Even for a transponder check.

Why was I flying when it was so cold, -14C at 3000 ft. Why was he inbound at exactly the same time I lifted off? Why was it a perfect execution? He is trained and he flies angel flights. He mentioned it felt good to have someone there.
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Attaboy Steve! Why?? It's prophetic. You were the guy that needed to be there. Your situational awareness and willingness to help made a difficult situation for a fellow aviator and friend manageable. He used resources he didn't even know he had.
Oh Brother

Steve you’re a good guy and I really don’t want to sound like the Party Pooper here and I’m really glad this turned out ok, but I feel like bringing up a couple points.

Unplanned, unscheduled formation flying especially when 1 guy is busy with other things can be hazardous. Please use caution (examples in NTSB files)
There is a legal angle too.

The landing gear may look down, but there is no way in the world to know that it’s locked down or will stay locked on rollout by eyeballing it from a distance. ( I’ve been doing this 40 yrs). Best to plan for a collapse. Might be better to land where there are better facilities for maintenance, emergency equipment ect

Besides flying RV’s lots of us fly retractable gear planes too. The maint guys can be persuaded to let the operator do the emergency extension procedure while the plane is up on jacks at annual or whenever. Great training and much better than reading how to do it in the manual.

Don Broussard A&P/IA/ATP ect
RV9 Rebuild in Progress
57 Pacer
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