
Well Known Member
Hi All,
i started the standard build 7 back in 2009. Made good progess but then i stopped working on it for seven years due to life and stuff. Last year i called a buddy of mine who had a truck and we picked the airplane up from the farmers barn where it was sitting in the corner for all those winters. Since then i worked on her a lot and now she's really not far away from first flight anymore. Wings are mated, all systems (seem to) work and there are just some "cosmetics" left, like sanding some fiberglass here and there. At least i think so.

Long Story short? after seven years of zero acticity on the project it was not hard to dig in again. Just needed several weeks and i was back on track. Problem is that i forgot all those things that i wanted to check before first flight. So my question: Is there some technical checklist prior first flight for the RV7 available? Like "check bolt so and so, put this piece into that place etc..."? Didn`t find something via the search function.

Hello Kay

I cannot help you with the 7 specifically but when my -10 was close to completion I invited a few builders over to the hanger and turned them loose to find anything they did not like, were not comfortable with or was just missed previously.

They found some good stuff and it was very beneficial.

Something to consider.

Local EAA folks can provide another set of eyeballs

There are several good references,... look at POH listing on this site,.. it also has some condition inspection checklists which is a good starting point. (Also W.W.W.T.P. Is a bit dated,.. but problems are problems..)

A recent reference is the program by Vic on issues he has found (should now be available on EAA web site). Make sure you don?t have those issues and you will be On your way.

Again,... nothing like another set of eyes. You should be able to talk a few of the locals to take a look with a notebook or set of tags.... if need be, food and beverage usually seals the deal

I?ll leave it at that,... and let the experts weigh in
Hi Kay. What you're asking for sounds simple, but I don't think it is. If I recall, the builder's manual list a number of things to check for but that's just the beginning. If it's been a while, I would go through the entire plane - nose to tail; check torque values on the hardware, especially check for corrosion, verify safety wiring, cotter pins, and on and on. Once you've checked everything have an experienced EAA Technical Counselor or two come by and have each independently go through another nose to tail check with you. You could also have a fellow RV-7 builder do an inspection. Eventually a DAR will have to sign off on the plane and if he or she is good, they'll do a similar but probably less thorough check. Another option is to have someone do a 'pre-buy' as if you were going to buy the plane and see what they come up. I know this sounds like overkill, but the plane has been sitting and it sounds like you're a little 'rusty', so why take a chance? I'm sure there are some good folks near Huntsville that could help you.
I would download a condition inspection checklist, they are very thorough. Also have as many builders as you can find to look it over. All the homebuilders I know would be happy to help out another builder.

Greetings Kay, from your RV friends in North Alabama. :) It is good to hear that you are almost ready to fly your RV-7.

I wish I could help you with your question. The suggestions offered thus far are very good except the authors do not know that you are back in Germany where there are not as many RV builders as there are in Huntsville, Alabama.

The video mentioned (by Vic Syracuse) is very good although it is more descriptive of problems found after flying rather than before flying your RV. It is still worth your time to view the many things to look for described by Mr. Syracuse.

Perhaps a call or email to Van’s would get good information from the factory, especially if you explain that you are now living in Germany (or Europe ).

I feel confident you are not the only builder who has returned to his RV project after a long period of not working on it. :rolleyes:
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Thanks for mentioning the condition inspection checklist from Vans! I wasn't aware that it exists. this checklist should be a very good starting point for the pre first flight inspection.

we have something similar to a DAR in germany. I wanted to have the airplane checked before he shows up finally.

@Don: Nice to hear from you!!! Please submit my best regards to the TVRVBG members at next opportunity. you guys have no idea how much of an positive impact you had on my project.

As a side note: It's kinda amazing how easy it is to "re-start" an RV project after many years. For the first days you do some head scratching but then it feels like there was never a break.
I would also highly recommend hiring Tom Berge to do a pre first flight inspection. He's got a list and is incredibly detailed.

Also, once you tell a knowlegeable DAR you just had a Tom Berge inspection, they'll often just concentrate on your paperwork.
I would also highly recommend hiring Tom Berge to do a pre first flight inspection. He's got a list and is incredibly detailed.

Also, once you tell a knowlegeable DAR you just had a Tom Berge inspection, they'll often just concentrate on your paperwork.

Maybe a bit expensive to fly someone over the pond for a pre first flight inspection. And I am quite sure that the DAR from Germany does not know Tom Berge...