
Well Known Member
I'm having trouble with this last rivet on the ailerons. I've read that some use a pull or flush rivet here.


What P/N pull rivet would I use? and can it be used with the dimpled skin?

Andy C.
I'm building the flaps now also, that do use the MK319 pull rivets on the bottom skins, and I assumed that you do not dimple those installations?
The MK319 rivet is a counter sink rivet, therefore it must go into a dimpled/ countersink hole
With further looking, I see that! Needs a dimple.
Good to go slow and check things out.

Can these blind rivets also be used for the close locations on the flap top skins?
Close riveting

I did a little creative grinding on old ax head to use as a bucking bar with quite good results on my 8 .