
Active Member
Excuse my ignorance, but the among the FAA's justification for EAB is "education".

When I see an AD or Mandatory Service Bulletin, e.g.# 612 Error in Dipstick for IO-360M, and we have a clone from Aerosport Power or Superior or any of the other engine builders, does it apply to us?

Not from a legal standpoint, but a safety / practical / applicable standpoint.
Yes, you should "consider" it. It would be on you to determine if your engine has the applicable parts installed or operational issue or whatever. Example: The dipstick thing. Do I have it? Is it wrong? How do I want to address? Replace, modify or ignore. At least nobody can ground you and "make" you buy a $200 dipstick. Prudence dictates you should do some diligence. Pretend Prudence is your mom's name.