Clips on my nuts sounds painful!

Seriously, you can use them but I don't think you will like the results as the will hold the fiber glass away from the aluminum and leave you with a very noticeable gap. CS'ing and riveting on platenuts wasn't that difficult.
My old Grumman used clip nuts on the wingtips - it was miserable getting them lined up every time to put the tips on, and they always fell off during maintenance. I am sure you can get them at a place like GaHCO if you really still wan them....

Go with the nutplates.

Like Bill said, it was one of the easier things to do. Should be able to knock it out in an afternoon and they won't slip or fall off. JMHO
Come on y'all. If you're flying your own home built flying machine we already know you've got a pair. No reason for clip-ons here....

I spent many years dealing with clip on's with the various certified airplanes I owned. I vowed there would be none allowed on the airplane I built. Nutplates are easy and the best solution IMHO. You can even pony up for some Click-Bond nutplates in difficult locations if you so desire.

$.02 worth.:rolleyes: