Hey guys just wanted to introduce myself. I'm just about to jump off of this RV cliff. I ordered a squeezer and the toolbox kit so no going back now! I'm a private pilot flying an old C182 in Winston Salem with 2 kids and a lifelong dream of building my own airplane. I've managed to get the kids addicted to LEGOS which I see as the stepping stone to getting their help building an airplane with me. I recently started cleaning up the garage and tool shopping which is probably the builder version of a pregnant woman cleaning house and buying onesies.

I'm leaning towards an RV-14 since I already have access to a competent family hauler and I love the combination of cross-country comfort and light aerobatics. I'd love to find anyone in the reasonably close area that is either in the process of building a -14 or has a finished one I could buy dinner to take a look at.

I'd also love suggestions, opinions, advice, warnings and other ramblings. Talk me out of this!

Matt Bolick
Welcome aboard!
Me: Former part owner of a 182. Built an RV-10 after I retired. Love it.
You: Q1: Is your wife on-board? Building an airplane is a huge time commitment (One I couldn't make while still working). If the answer is "no", do you want a wife, or an RV?
Q2: Are aerobatics really important to you? With a family of 4 (any more in the future?) the RV-10 is a great vehicle for family trips. Once you've gotten used to traveling at 160 KTAS on 10 gal/hr (or 172+ KTAS on more gas) you just won't want to fly the 182 anymore, except on short trips. You can ditch it and save some money. But if aero is what you want, then the -10 is out of consideration. Tough choice. You should talk with TimO on VAF. He built both a -10 and a -14, and has two kids (now older than yours). He's said, if he could only have one, it would be the -10, for the time he got to spend with his family.
Jump off Matt! Have you ever thought of buying a flying RV? Will save you years of labor :D
... a lifelong dream of building my own airplane.

If this is really what you feel in your heart, do it. I will tell you there is no experience quite like leaving the surface of the earth in a plane that you built with your own hands. I'm coming up on 10 years of flying this year and watching my first flight video still makes me proud of myself.

now for the other side of the coin, building a plane is a lot of hours of often tedious work, and time away from your family. If the dream is really to own an RV, I agree that buying may be the better route to get there for you. You are the only one who can decide what exactly you're yearning for.
Come visit 8A7

Hello Matt,
I am based at Twin Lakes (8A7), and built my -4. We have several RV's there and Id be glad to get you off the cliff and in the seat. There is another RV-14 builder in Trinity that I have talked with also. maybe both of you can come visit. I live at the airport, so I'm usually around when not at dayjob over at the GSO airport...
Welcome! I am building a -7A in Finger, NC but plan to build a -14A next. Like others have said, if you have kids then seriously consider a -10.
Welcome aboard!
Me: Former part owner of a 182. Built an RV-10 after I retired. Love it.
You: Q1: Is your wife on-board? Building an airplane is a huge time commitment (One I couldn't make while still working). If the answer is "no", do you want a wife, or an RV?
Q2: Are aerobatics really important to you? With a family of 4 (any more in the future?) the RV-10 is a great vehicle for family trips. Once you've gotten used to traveling at 160 KTAS on 10 gal/hr (or 172+ KTAS on more gas) you just won't want to fly the 182 anymore, except on short trips. You can ditch it and save some money. But if aero is what you want, then the -10 is out of consideration. Tough choice. You should talk with TimO on VAF. He built both a -10 and a -14, and has two kids (now older than yours). He's said, if he could only have one, it would be the -10, for the time he got to spend with his family.

Agh I know. Literally that's the conversation I've had in my head the last few weeks. (The -10 versus -14 not the wife versus RV.) My wife says that she's on board although this is definitely my passion. My job is flexible enough that I work from home a lot of days and keep odd hours so I should have a few hours free in the middle of the day a few days a week that I could run out to the garage and do some work when no one else is here.

Jump off Matt! Have you ever thought of buying a flying RV? Will save you years of labor :D

Yeah but honestly I'm really looking forward to the building maybe even more than the flying. I'm an engineer that moved through the ranks and find myself in middle management now which means I get to do very little actual fun engineering. The chance to build something while learning new skills is half of why I want to do this. The other half is the chance to build something with my son (and daughter) that I can pass down to them at some point. The 3rd half is that eventually I get to fly one heck of a fun airplane in a few (or many) years.

Hello Matt,
I am based at Twin Lakes (8A7), and built my -4. We have several RV's there and Id be glad to get you off the cliff and in the seat. There is another RV-14 builder in Trinity that I have talked with also. maybe both of you can come visit. I live at the airport, so I'm usually around when not at dayjob over at the GSO airport...

Small world. My 182 lives at 8A7 and I'm there as often as I can get there - which isn't nearly often enough.

PM Sent.
Yeah but honestly I'm really looking forward to the building maybe even more than the flying. I'm an engineer that moved through the ranks and find myself in middle management now which means I get to do very little actual fun engineering. The chance to build something while learning new skills is half of why I want to do this. The other half is the chance to build something with my son (and daughter) that I can pass down to them at some point. The 3rd half is that eventually I get to fly one heck of a fun airplane in a few (or many) years.


Excellent! You won?t regret it. Looking forward to 2027 First Flight Party! :)
Welcome aboard the great ship VAF. This will be an INVALUABLE source of information. And smart move getting the kids onboard. Building an airplane is actually a family project.

You may do much of the cutting/grinding/deburring/riviting/scratching your head but wives/girlfriends/and kids are involved in many ways too. After I reached the point of actually having airplane looking parts all over the house and especially the fuselage in the house, (I built in the house), I heard on more than one occasion my girlfriend telling her friends about it.... kind of like she was wearing it as a badge of honor. Made be feel proud.

Again, welcome aboard and enjoy the journey.
Excellent! You won?t regret it. Looking forward to 2027 First Flight Party! :)

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I'm not committing to anything this decade. My son is 6 right now. I figure that I have until he's finished with college to finish the airplane.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I'm not committing to anything this decade. My son is 6 right now. I figure that I have until he's finished with college to finish the airplane.


Get them involved, it builds character and they will be just as proud of it when you are finished. All of my kids were been involved since the start and are proud of the things they helped build - and they are 25, 28 and 30 now!