Tony Kirk

Well Known Member
Being the experimenter that I am, I ordered the parts and had a circuit board made for the EZ-Trim Altitude Hold that was designed by Cliff Cady, see for more info.

I currently have the unit running on my workbench using the Proportional, Integral & Derivative (PID) process control algorithm S/W PID011501.bs2.

I'm wondering if anyone else has an EZ-Trim in their RV and if they've successfully tweaked the BasicStampII software for decent performance in an RV? I guess I should have asked this question BEFORE I built it!

Specifically, I'm looking for the initial settings for the 15-turn pots used to set the Proportional and Integral numbers so this A/H will work good in an RV.

Any other tips and trick (or S/W) for the EZ-Trim would be appreciated.

I know others have tried the EZ-Trim unsuccessfully, but I'm willing to tinker with it for a while before I drop a couple grand on a REAL altitude hold system.

I really like the Trio EZ-2 A/H and I got a wonderful demonstration of all it's features at Osh last week. Maybe someday after I get tired of experimenting with this EZ-Trim.

I had one in my rv-6 and it was absolutely horrible.
Since it only actuated the trim motor, it could never react and move fast enough to be successful.
Little data from it on this page .
