
Active Member

Hi, just recently bought this RV-8A (picture for attention) and the previous owner's solution to single-pilot operation was to strap a 60-pound plastic water "jug" into the rear seat. This works to put the CG right where it needs to be but makes getting into the baggage compartment a bit of a pain, plus lifting that weight in an awkward position isn't the best idea for my old back! Doing the math on the CG it looks like I can get away with a 20 pound weight pretty far back towards the tail, but then getting it out would be difficult. What have you guys done about this issue? Anyone running a CS carbon fiber prop instead of aluminum to help with the CG? Thanks!
Years ago, I used to carry a case of oil in teh baggage compartment when flying around local. then I more regularly started carrying a person in the back and going cross-country - the oil came out and I just never member top put it back in....

On lighter props - yes - I am now flying a WW-300, which saves about 16 pounds on the nose - you can definitely feel the difference. Great prop.

Move the battery off the firewall to the aft standard battery mount location.

I run a IO-360-M1B with Hartzell CS prop. One PC-625 battery mounted in the forward baggage well, the second mounted in the aft location. The W&B came out about as best it can.

How about an adjustable cg.....

A tube with a diameter of 2 to 2.5 inches and a length of 13 inches PROPERLY installed
across the tail cone at the width of about 13 inches. Access port on one side to slide in a 2" or 2.5" round bar of lead.
2X13= 16.7 lbs.
2.5X13=26.1 lbs. Need more weight??
3X13= 37.6 lbs.

You could make your cg extatically where you want it.
wet playground sand

During my flight test phase I used many small ziplock freezer bags of wet kid's playground sand - total was about 100kg (220 freedom units) spread between the forward baggage area, rear baggage area, and passenger seat. I had them in multiple shopping bags to make them easier to move, and strapped them down tightly in the rear baggage area and the passenger seat.

My thinking was in case I had an off-field landing, what do I want hitting me in the back of the head? Nothing! The other thing I considered was small bottles of water, but the sand was a bit more dense.

I like the big water bag idea - they look like they can be strapped down securely.

I'm now flying mostly empty, with only the aircraft cover in the rear baggage area. I can feel the CG difference but it's not much of an issue. I have a heavy metal hartzell, with an io-360 and a tiny earthx on the FW. Full 3-pointers require pretty good speed control, and a standard tail low wheel landing is easy.
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I fly my RV8 without passengers most of the time.

My Odyssey PC 680 battery is on the firewall.

For a ballast, I have a new, (unused) 25 lb bag of kitty litter. I put the sealed bag of litter inside a cardboard box and taped it up. I put the ballast in my rear baggage compartment.

Works satisfactory. I like the water idea too. The battery in back is the best solution. Minimal weight added.

Water is great because it can be dumped out on the ramp and nobody cares. Then later, it can be refilled for almost free.
What I carry. . .

Husky Tools tool bag. Traveling tools. 1 qt of oil, and 2 - 10lb barbell plates (non Olympic). Strapped down in the aft baggage. If the GIB is onboard and we’re going somewhere. The barbell plates are easily removed and the baggage compartments are filled with stuff like hair dryers and makeup and stuff. :rolleyes:
Water is great because it can be dumped out on the ramp and nobody cares. Then later, it can be refilled for almost free.

I use a case of bottled water for ballast in the rear baggage compartment. A lot of my flying is over the empty expanses of UT, AZ, NM and NV. Having a sizable emergency supply of water onboard gives me a warm fuzzy.
That's thinking! Then if there's a surprise need to load up with another person and a ton of bags, the folks at the FBO won't mind a case of bottled water. That case of water is cheap and to replace for the next solo excursion.
I bought 150 lbs of ballast from . Depending on fuel load, I strap bags of varying numbers/combinations (I have 2x 50 lbs and 2x 25 lbs) into the back seat. I don't have tie downs in my aft baggage area, so I needed something securable for aerobatics. These are heavy duty and have seatbelt material handles tight against the bags that keep them from shifting about.