Well Known Member
I have a cart on the Cleveland tool website with about $2k of stuff in it and I am about to pull the trigger on. . . Planning on SnF opening day, and I could delay the order until then. Does anybody know if I would be better off to make the order at the show? I am assuming they're there every year. Do they do discounts on big orders at the show that ship from the home office? Thanks. . .

Tools man. . . .:D
I don?t think they were at SNF last year. I had the same idea- no joy. FYI at Osh most of the prices are the same as the website, there is a clearance bin and a few show specials. IMHO best just to order and ship.
I don?t think they were at SNF last year. I had the same idea- no joy. FYI at Osh most of the prices are the same as the website, there is a clearance bin and a few show specials. IMHO best just to order and ship.

...and save the Florida state tax.
them nor brown show at SNF anymore due to OSH's cost and of course crowd size..... sad for sure

Brown gave me a nice discount but both are great to deal with
When I bought my tools at Oshkosh last summer I got an 8% discount on the total package. However, I think it's a standard discount with that tool kit and nothing to do with AirVenture.
Even if they are at the show, they may not have everything on your list so there will be a shipment anyway. Many vendors offer show specials via their website or phone orders even though you're not at the show.

I think Florida sales tax is about 12% so you are looking at $240 added on to your order if you buy it at Sun N Fun.
Think about it....

Like many in the experimental aviation community, CAT is a small, family owned business operating on thin margins to ensure they continue to remain competitive. Consider for a moment the costs associated with traveling in a large motorhome from the Mid-West to Florida (maintenance, diesel fuel, tolls, meals, incidentals), add on the cost of a week-long vendor spot at SNF, use up a precious week of paid vacation from your regular full time job (for health insurance and kids college) and it really begins to add up. Oh, yeah - don't pass those costs on to your show customers, but rather figure out how to provide a show discount. It's not hard to see that the math just doesn't work, and the result is having to limit one's focus to a single, large venue per year (OSH).

Just my $.02
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