Can't have enough

I keep my cleco's in tubs, one for 1/8" and one for 3/32". I've had both tubs close to empty a couple of times. When riveting the horizontal satbilizer, I was putting 3/32" cleco's in just about every hole or every other and that ate up a lot of them (sorrry, I can't say how many were left in the tub). I also had work going on the rudder at the same time and had a few in use there. I've got a quickbuild fuse and wings now but I'm still on the emp.
I bought the RV Builders tool kit from Aircraft Tool Supply and that was the number that they had shipped. I've also tossed out a couple along the way that went bad. I just figured that someone else had figured out, more or less, what was needed. I'd sooner have a few extra than not enough.
I have around 1000 3/32" clecoes and probably 500 1/8" and ran down to minimums a few time while building 2 RV-6s at the same time. You cannot have too many! QB will not need as many. You can probably get buy with 1/3 my quantity.
I started with 300 3/32 clecos and ran out. I then bought another 300 and built both wings at once. I still have 100 in bags that I have not opened. I think for me about 500 would have been good on the 3/32 clecos.

On the 1/8 inch size I have 200 and so far so good.