
Well Known Member
I swear I've seen suggestions on this a number of times, just couldn't find it in a search on the other Yahoo sites or Matronics.

For those buidling a -9, how many 3/32 and 1/8 clecos did you need. Cleaveland and Avery offer around 325 of the former and 150 of the latter in their kits. I'm not planning on building both wings simultaneously, but definitely want enough for the wings independently and the fuselage.

Any suggestions?

you can't have enough


You will always want more. Get a few cleco pliers while your at it.

I've got 600 3/32 and 200 1/8 cleco's and am doing pretty well. Don't forget to get a few of the bigger sizes 5/32--3/16---1/4 and some cleco side clamps too.
Jim RV-9A wings 90919 Arkansas
More than you will ever know

After building my tanks I wish I could have just pitched all the pro-seal covered ones in the trash but I'm too cheep for that.

I have two ammo cans full of 3/32 (silver) and one full of 1/8 (gold) cleco?s.

If you really want to know how many you need, go to my web site, pull up a picture of the wing and start counting them. ;)

Working on the fuselage and just pulled the cylinders off my O-290 this weekend. (Steve, do you know of a good place to get parts?)

I'll let you know what I find.

Just finished going through Aircraft Spruce to figure out what the gaskets will cost to top the O-290. Total cost is will be just short of $110. I'll order from them as it will be easy.

The inside of the 290 was OUTSTANDING, there are pictures on my web site. The thing was OH'ed in '59 and put in storage. I bought it figuring that if it was trash on the inside I could always eBay the parts. As it looks right now, it was the best $3,500 I could have spent. I figure by the time I'm finished, I will have about $6,500 to $7,000 into a zero time engine. You can bet I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Now it looks like I need an accessory case that will take a fuel pump, carb, and mags. I have a lead on a source but need to check it out. I'll get back to you.

I'm expecting to get 175 mph true w/ 6 - 6.5 gph out of the 290. That would be outstanding, it true.

# clecos needed for 9/9A

I'm using 520/300 (did one wing at a time). That was enough.

Frank in CT
IMHO you *never* have enough clecoes! I second the advice to get at least two sets of clecoe pliers. Funny how those suckers seem to have legs sometimes.

Cleaveland Kit was enough for me.

I bought the Cleaveland RV kit when I started my RV-9A project in the fall of 2002. Only once did I use all the silver clecoes in the bucket, and that was not really a problem. I just took a few out where I had them too close to each other.

Jerry K. Thorne
East Ridge, TN
N2PZ "Enterprise"