David Paule

Well Known Member
Here's a photo of the spring's cleco crop here in Colorado. I'm anticipating a fine harvest.


You, too, can grow a robust field of clecos like this. It's easy. Anyone can do this. All you have to do is order an RV-3B fuselage kit, make a few simple modifications, and when you attach the F-326 aft bottom fuselage skin to the fuselage frame - just this single skin - you'll have it.

You can tell when it's ready for harvest, as a certain percentage of these will turn a rich coppery color.

That is a beautiful crop. It suppose to snow tonight so I'm not going to start planting yet.... Darn cold Minnesota
Too close to home

Doing both rv9 wings at once. Have 800 clecos and wishing i had more . I am too poor to take a picture.
I just spent the day clecoing the horizontal stab skin its substructure of my RV 10. I had 650 clecos and ran out. That was a crop let me tell ya!
Cleko farm

Same here. 1,000 and I ran out on the two wings and tanks. Had to rob Peter to pay Paul and for the tanks.
Thanks, but I'm fat for clecos. I've got a couple buckets of them that I rarely use. A friend who built a long-wing metal plane is loaning me his.

And let's not forget that my RV-3B is smaller than some of the other RVs, so the cleco density is somewhat higher. That's why I took the photo.
