
Well Known Member
I like most builders have ordered tools and accessories for my RV build from Blake and his crew at Cleaveland Tool and Flyboy Accessories. Their quality and customer service has always been top notch. I appreciated his honesty and can only imagine how the recent events at Vans has impacted his sales as well as the other excellent small vendors we depend on in the community. I encourage all of us builders and owners to help them during this period. I had been holding off on a few tools I wanted until I absolutely needed them, however, after watching sent in the order this am.

P.S My Christmas stocking will be awesome this year! :)
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Cleveland has been great to deal with in the past, Flyboys as well, so I'll also be ordering a few bits I've don't need just yet to help them weather the storm. And stocking stuffers of course!
Thank you

Hi folks, we're busy throwing orders in boxes over here but I wanted to take a minute to say thank you to the community!

First off, I really, REALLY, appreciate the response we've seen so far. It's such a privilege to work as part of this community and humbling to know that you all have our backs when the chips are down.

It's an awkward thing to make a hat-in-hand request like this, and this situation is uncharted territory for all of us.

I'm happy to answer any questions anyone might have; you can DM me here or reach out at [email protected]

For now, I'm back to packing orders!

Thank you,
Blake Frazier
Cleaveland Tool / Flyboy Accessories
Order sent! I wish you all the best! This just shows how much the aviation community needs Vans to survive this setback. Companies as large as Lycoming, all the way down to the smallest vendors will (and already are) seeing the impact
Always can use more tools. Good reason to try out another 2X rivet gun(this one is for wife).

Blake, you can throw that fly led control kit in this order to save on shipping.

Good luck and let us know if you need more help. Honesty and humility goes far
I saw the video on YouTube and I heartily agree with all here. Cleaveland Tool and Flyboy Accessories are two of the very best vendors I've ever had the pleasure of ordering from, and I'm willing to do my part to show my appreciation in the most meaningful way. Off to the website!
Flyboy’s jack point kit is great. I’ve already used it several times to work on my -7’s brakes. I also used their wing walk textured material. Highly recommend both.
Stable for now

Hello friends,

I'm happy to report that we had great response from our customers to this video yesterday and we are on much more stable footing now.

I don't want to abuse the goodwill of our community, so I wanted to post here to let folks know that the pressure is off for the time being.

Of course, don't let me stop you from ordering if you see something you'd like, but you don't have to feel bad if you don't!

It's such a privilege*to work as part of a community that has our backs when the chips are down!

Thank you all so much!

Thank you,
Blake Frazier
Cleaveland Tool
Jack points

Flyboy’s jack point kit is great. I’ve already used it several times to work on my -7’s brakes. I also used their wing walk textured material. Highly recommend both.

Darn. I forgot about those!
Guess I need to place another order.