Non-chlorinated brake cleaner. Used to use Trichlorethelyne as a solvent for hydraulic analysis testing. But, that stuff is muy mal!

Non-chlorinated brake cleaner is about the closest off the shelf product that is the least harmful to humans, pets and aircraft. Just be careful with it on your paint job, it can dull the paint.
I have had very good luck with CRC Electrical cleaner. It will even clean old dried out fluid. Available at every auto parts store etc.
Get the one with the picture of the molex like connecter on it, not the one with the alternator.
I had a hydraulic leak from a pedal last year, it ran back down the fuselage and could not get the residue off and dust and stuff stuck to it. Last week I happened to try isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). It cleaned off easily and did not damage the paint. Result.
This stuff seems impervious to petroleum based solvents
Really? I could swear I've cleaned up some thick, gooey drip/leak residue with mineral spirits. The clear kind, not that fake white "eco friendly" stuff commonly found in some home improvement stores.