
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Have you ever found yourself scrunched into the tail end of your RV, opening things up and looking around for an inspection, or maybe to contemplate an upcoming modification, and there on the floor, shaken loose by hours of flying, is a pile of aluminum dust, splinters, lint, and a few dead flies? Uggh....don't want to leave THAT in there....but at the same time, it can be a pain to crawl all the way back out, rig the vacuum, drag the hose back in with you....and that is assuming that you have the vacuum at the hangar! If it's back home, you'll likely just see the same stuff in next year's inpsection....

The easy (lazy) way? Grab your roll of duct tape, rip off a piece, and put it sticky-side-down into the pile of gunk. Presto - instant clean! Use a few more pieces to get all the nooks and crannies. Sure, the vacuum is better, but if you don't have one....well, you ALWAYS have duct tape - right?:rolleyes:

(This tip is yet another small proof of your space agency at work for you - it's how we clean air filters in space!:D)
