Well Known Member
I need to clean a years worth of crud off of my brakes and wheels. Is it OK to use automotive brake cleaner on aluminum parts, and do I need to make a point of keeping the cleaner off of the pads? Is there something better to use? Thanks.
Aerhed, that stuff worked great. I haven't taken my brakes apart yet, but I suspect that some of the CRC spray and brake crud dripped on the pads. Is that going to be an issue as far as brake effectiveness is concerned?

The cleaner will evaporate and be no problem.

Brake parts cleaner will not be a problem for aluminum. But be very careful to keep it away from painted parts.

You should remove all crud from the pads or risk partial or total loss of braking.

Right. Pull the pair of 1/4 inch bolts off each caliper and the outer pad falls off (hopefully in your hand). Slide the caliper back and doosh it out. Clean the dowel pins and bushing holes with a scotchbrite twist and reassemble dry & clean.