
I'm New Here
I am not an RV owner YET but may build one. Just wondering how people deal with keeping your seat bottoms in good shape and your pants clean given you step on the seats getting in and out?
I am not an RV owner YET but may build one. Just wondering how people deal with keeping your seat bottoms in good shape and your pants clean given you step on the seats getting in and out?

Well, If you are a dairyman that is a real problem.....
Keep a few Cotton hand towels you lift from your home and simply cover the seat when someone steps in
Keep a few Cotton hand towels you lift from your home and simply cover the seat when someone steps in

+1 for lifting one of the wife's kitchen hand towels. Works great for wiping up spilled Avgas as well.
I would never want to have cloth seats in a vehicle where I had to step on them every time I got in or out. My seats are leather, and they clean up nicely with a magic eraser followed by some leather conditioner.
Stepping on the center panel just aft of my fuel selector with my inboard foot in the -7 allows me to get in and out without stepping on a seat bottom (tipper). Sit on the cross rail and slide on in.

I put a piece of non skid there as a target for newbies. ;)
I have an RV12 and can step directly on the floorboard in front of the seat.

If that wasn't the case, I would probably just keep a rag handy to throw down on the seat before stepping on it..
---- Levitation
The new antisplataero method to get into an RV without stepping on the seat - announcing the "Levitation Gizmo!"

It's a very thin, very light product, and you simply place it on your seat, and it "levitates" your foot just high enough off the seat that it does not touch it!


Works like magic!

Hertz puts you in the drivers seat

Anybody remember that commercial?

Man in a business suit. Maintains a seated position, smoothly falling from the sky, both arms out as if holding an invisible steering wheel...right into the driver's seat of a moving convertible.

In this case, one arm would be on the throttle and the other on the stick, naturally. Easier for a tip up or slider? RV-10 drivers need not apply. :D