
Well Known Member
Ive looked at a couple of links for companies offering classes for building the entire tail kit in one week, etc... Unfortunately, I would never get away with taking a week off of work! Nor do I want to complete the entire tail kit in a classroom... I'd like to do some work on my own. So my question is this:

Where can I take a WEEKEND class on the basics of aircraft aluminum in regards to the RV? And better yet, is there anywhere that offers this in the DFW area? I know there is a big RV following out at Hicks, but not sure if anyone offers this service. I'd even like to maybe work on the tail secton, but NOT complete it...
Several classes out there

I found there are several classes out there besides Sport Air. I took one from Grov Air in Indy and did the practice kit with his instruction. Also got to see several kits in various stages of construction and ride in another.

That two-day class was closer to home so I could drive and convinced me I had the skills, but I wouldn't have learned the techniques as well from a book.

RV-9A Wings dimpled
Find the closest EAA Chapter to you, join it and get the word out you'd like to meet some of the RV types. I'm sure someone would love to come over and spend a Saturday or more helping you work through the basics. There are two main things you have to learn...how to use your tools (countersinking, riveting, drilling, dimpling, cutting, grinding, edge finishing) and reading the plans. Once you build your confidence a little and realize how doable it all is, you'll be well on your way...and you'll have entered "the network". VAF will remain another great source of information. You are at a point many of us have already been at...The where do I start/am I doing this right/how do I do this stage. RV's are incredible airplanes and the people who build them are incredible too. Work often, ask lots of questions and you'll do fine.