
VAF moderator
Hello Everyone... I installed a David Clark Stereo intercom in my AA-1a an purchased the Clarity Aloft Headset just prior to Sun'n'Fun. This is the same system I used to use in the Army as a Blackhawk crewchief. There is a small Bose speaker in a foam earplug.. you roll it up and stuff it in your ear. The headset frame is like wearing sunglasses in reverse. It's very comfortable. The headset has an aux audio in, and a volume knob. It knocks out just about all the other noise and the sound is second to none!!!! Everything is incredibly clear. I'd say your getting better performance than a Bose headset with ANR at half the price. The Aloft headset has no ANR.. it does not need it. I've got music piped in from the 396 and it's like I'm at a IMAX theater...
Go buy a set and see for yourself... ps... no head vice action like regular headsets and that means you dont scratch your canopy with the headset!
ps.. I have not recieved any special price or discount or renumeration in any way for the review of this product.
A Shameless Plug for the QT Halo

Do a search on "halo" or "Quiet Technologies" or visit one of the many threads such as

and you'll see we have been discussing this type of headset for some time. I personally believe it's the most modern type of headset available today. To me it outperforms all the electronic noise cancellation headsets including the much revered Bose Headset X. (Flaming may now begin...but if you haven't tried the QT Halo, your replies will not count!) ;)

Agreed, Clarity Aloft, QT Halo and some other headsets offer equal noise reduction without ANR and without the dreaded "head vice" force of conventional headsets.

The last time I checked the QT Halo is about $150 cheaper than the Clarity Aloft. But if you need an aux input (for a cellphone) for the QT Halo you can go to Radio Shack and buy one for 50 bucks and still have 100 bucks in your pocket. Or so I was told...I haven't done it yet.

I have not been paid by Quiet Technologies to state that I am a very happy user of the QT Halo headset. :)


I own two Clarity's now. I have tried the QT's and they are not as good as the Clarity. My jacks are in the back and the location the cord comes out of the QT is not at all convenient. They are similar in comfort but the sound quality is not as good.

If you are only interested in saving the money then the QT's will do. If you want the best in this type of headset, take a look at the Clarity.

Just a happy customer.
Clarity Aloft

I really like their products - they attenuate the noise the best, and their customer service is highly personalized and excellent. The headphones are so light, you forget you even have them on.
You Gotta love em...

I too have no been using my Halo headset for a month or so and I love it. I switched from my Bose X, which I still think is a remarkable headset, but the Halo is just more comfortable and is just as quiet. No batteries and staying put during acro are also pluses. When I get my wife converted over, I'm sure I'll have 2 almost new Bose headsets for sale.
I just bought a set. I used the excuse that I needed more room to see outside the back seat of a tandem while trying to taxi and land.

We have Bose, David Clark's anr and reg, flightcoms, softcom, lightspeed anr and I have an old set of Plantronics Star set a lt. col from houston loaned me.

I'll see how they compare.

I am not trying to convince you otherwise and I know that is not possible.........BUT if your Halo headset is not that clear or as clear as a Clarity.........send it back and get a new one. My first one was OK but not as clear as BOSE. Took it to Halo at OSH and he tested it.........agreed with me...gave me a new one that was MUCH clearer. So before anyone throws their HALO away for another brand due to clarity or sound quality.........discuss it with HALO first to see if it might be a poor set not up tho thier standards!


Quality Control?

ddddsp said:

I am not trying to convince you otherwise and I know that is not possible.........BUT if your Halo headset is not that clear or as clear as a Clarity.........send it back and get a new one. My first one was OK but not as clear as BOSE. Took it to Halo at OSH and he tested it.........agreed with me...gave me a new one that was MUCH clearer. So before anyone throws their HALO away for another brand due to clarity or sound quality.........discuss it with HALO first to see if it might be a poor set not up tho thier standards!


Dean, It appears that maybe Clarity has better quality control and this is the price difference? I have two CA's and never a problem. It is good to know that Halo will fix the problem. CA also has excellent customer support and a 30 day trial period. I have not tried the Halo so can't comment on them. The concept of both is valid and excellent in use.
clarity aloft vrs. bose

I really like the head clearance because I flew with the Bose for the first time last night and I was scraping my canopy in the HR-2.

that being said-- IMHO the Bose are better at noise reduction. Maybe it's only at high speeds when wind noise plays a factor. i.e. 180--225kts. YMMV

I will be wearing the Alofts but won't be kicking the Bose out of bed(or replacing them) anytime soon.
Clarity Aloft TSO version not so good

I bought a TSO'd version of the Clarity Aloft headset to use at work and I was very dissatisfied with it. The first one they sent me did not work on the MD-80. A replacement did work, but I found that after a few hours it was uncomfortable to wear, as it chafed the back of my ears. I wasn't really all that impressed with the quality either, the plugs look like something that came from radio shack, they did not have molded strain reliefs for the cord but were assembled with multiple layers of shrink tubing. At the price range they are selling this thing (about $700.00) I would expect much better. The second headset is headed back and I was able to negotiate to get most of the money back that spent buying and then sending headsets back and forth, but I don't believe that I'll be spending any more money on a Clarity Aloft headset.

Tso'd version? I did not know there was such a thing... you sure you bought the clarity aloft headsets? Or is this a look-a-like? They sell for 500 ... not 700... and I'm not sure how they chaff your head... as they have a band that tightens them. Good luck with whatever you bought...
Clarity does have a TSO model

I traded my standard ones in at Osh for the TSO version and really like them. They are a tad lighter and more comfortable around "my" ears. I'll never go back to headsets but like anything else they may not be right for everybody :D
The rep at OSH explained the TSO'd version has all the electrical components in one box and is somewhat lighter than the standard version by a few grams. She got kinda quiet when I noted that doesn't seem to justfy the extra $$$.
My guess is it costs $150 more because of the FAA certification process.
Still lovin' the standard version,
I like mine but a couple things. I guess I will need to change plugs about every month. One is squeezed too much already and it could be wax causing it too.

One side has popped off twice while reaching for them; minor ordeal.

I didn't roll them up tight enough, blasted off out of Compton and couldn't hear a thing but engine and wind noise; bad move on my part.

They are the way to go for comfort with a ball cap, I was shocked at how good it felt the first time I wore a cap.

Minor gripe. The cord is on the opposite side of the headset mike so the cord stretches across my body; if that makes sense.

Also, I'll have to check again with new plugs (they come with six pair IIRC) but they are not good enough at 190 kts. in a noisy airplane. The Bose are better. (compared yesterday) But like I said it might just be the worn out plugs.

I'm not parting with them, I really like them. Also the head clearance is excellent.

I too

purchased the Clarity Aloft TSO'd set and have used them about 10 hours. I love the light feel of them on my head but they seem a little harsh on the sidetone when I key up. Maybe a mic-muff or something. They did hurt behind my ear on the boom side but will adjust for a better fit. It would be nice if the leads to your ears were just a little bit longer.
Comfort and sound

I'm noted before that I love my CA's. Getting the ear plugs in correctly really helps along with mic adjustment. Also coordinating the volume control on the set and on the panel is key for good overall sound.

My only real gripe is the volume control is close to the plugs. I have my jacks on the support between the roll bar and baggage bulkhead on my 7. That is nice for keeping the cords out of the way but very difficult to get to the volume control.

When I do my annual (condition inspection for the puriests:)) I'm going to send them in and have them move the volume control box closer to the set.

FYI, my neighbor is pilot for a major carrier based in the Southwest and said they were considering buying the CA's for their fleet. He already uses them and can no longer fly with a regular headset!!
Have not used the Bose since getting the Clarity Aloft. When leaving Osh this year in a 182 I swapped the Bose and the Clarity Aloft a couple of times.

Same noisy environment and CA wins every time.
Hi everyone,

I registered here just to post this question about the clarity aloft non TSOed.

I used to own one and used it in the Embraer 145 for a year. It was great. But I remember I had to keep the volume down because it was really blasting on medium. Then I got a better job flying an Airbus 320 which is so quiet. So I sold it. I was regretting that later because we still had to use a headset in the bus below FL180 but I did not want to blow another $500.

Then I got furloughed and I had to start flight instructing in C172s and now I am about to start flying a C210 for a while. So I had to buy something, I figured I would buy the same again so I did.

Here comes the question:

How is the volume for you guys using this headset in GA planes? I have now tried it in 4 different planes and it is always way too low. I have to crank the panel and the headset control both to max then i hear OK. Still not loud enough just OK. I have already sent one back and same results with the new one.

Any ideas? Thanks!!!
bump. Sorry but this is the only place I have seen a real discussion of this headset. I will only bump this once.