Well Known Member

Since last week I'm not able to update log files to the great flight analysis web tool for Garmin G3X (G900, G1000) called Cirrus Reports.

Does anyone is experiencing the same trouble? Should we try to ask the developer for a fix? His email is: [email protected]

Does anyone knows what is happening or already tried to contact Marcus?

It is a pitty to not have it ... simply awesome.

:cool: A link to my shared analysed flights to show the power of the tool:
Agree. I just uploaded a couple of flights using Chrome and everything worked perfectly.

I was able to upload a flight using IE 11, but it doesn't properly display any flight.

You guys are able to upload log files? I could not do it using nor Chrome, Firefox or IE...

Please confirm it was uploaded and you could view the flight? I can upload but it stucks in 99,90% and does not go to be viewed ... The uploads does not finishes up the upload window...


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Hi Guys,

Looks like a fantastic piece of software, It was recommended to me by G3XPERT

Just wondering did anyone find a fix for this. I haven't been able to upload any log files from my G3X. Im getting the same log file upload issue.

Ive tried chrome, firefox and IE but no luck.

Cheers in advance

I did after setting the file format to G1000 type even though I am using G3X Touch. Its is necessary to use FIREFOX some issues may happen when trying with Chrome because it does not support FLASH any longer and it is required to uploads.

So.. using Firefox and G1000 file format It SHOULD work , tell me if you still have issues trying this way.
Just tried it in Safari with Flash enabled.

It worked if I uploaded the file as a G1000 system.
It did not work if I uploaded as a G3x file. It hung at 99.9% just like yours did.

It is a nice website and has some nice things that SavvyAnalysis does not have.

I like SavvyAnalysis [URL=""][/URL] a lot and it is also free. I prefer the graphing tools in SavvyAnalysis but I will continue to upload to Cirrus Reports for awhile just to see which one I like better.
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FYI..... Old thread

FYI, this thread was originally started in 2016 so it is probably not still a problem (if it ever was one).
FYI, this thread was originally started in 2016 so it is probably not still a problem (if it ever was one).

Yes, but the original poster updated his findings today. I simply recreated his solution and found it worked but the original problem with G3x data still exists.

Still relevant I think.
Unable to Upload to Cirrus Reports

Is anybody experiencing problems? I have tried 3 different browsers with no luck tonight. Im getting a "currently disabled message" I have been doing this since 2012 without any problems.