
Well Known Member
round trip and followed the same line around Chicago.


low clouds and I needed to pee so I stopped at Delphi Indiana, which I happened upon, and met a stranger. not really a stranger in the RV world. I shook hands with Mr. Paul Ruley, President of Chapter 256, who was working on his 7 with a broken human rib and moaning from time to time. soon I was helping with a bolt. his plane is fine workmanship. 63 items on his punch list. I am looking fwd to hearing of the first flight.









it's nice being around Paul and his plane in this stage... the final stages of birthing.
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I pressed on thru the gloom and then broke free to find a feather pointing the way. carb heat was required this day. OAT = 1C.





nice scenery on the way home. I arrived slightly after dark after reminding myself I said I wouldn't fly after dark but happy to have replaced my again burned out halogen bulb. I am getting tired of swapping those bulbs.



it's amazing how just a couple of hours with family makes you feel good.

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it's a real "feather cloud". I don't see evidence of any chem trail. this is the first one I have seen so low. I looked it up and there is not much info about them but here's what I found....

"feather clouds" or "mares tails." They're composed of hexagonal ice crystals and are commonly found of altitudes of 20,000 feet (6,455 m) or higher.

I think I'll take it as a good omen for 2017.
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Nice Steve. It must be fun making a trip up north like that. Almost to OSH.
One of these days, hang a left and head out to KEUL and help out on my plane!!
Nice Steve. It must be fun making a trip up north like that. Almost to OSH.
One of these days, hang a left and head out to KEUL and help out on my plane!!

I will say it's nice to supply motivation when the opportunity presents. I needed the same and still do.