
Well Known Member
I installed (not wired yet) my cigarette lighter on the fuel selector housing to keep the cords from dangling/tangling etc.

Obviously great care should be taken in making all of the fuel lines so there are no leaks but is it bad practice to have an electrical appliance like this in the same vicinity of the fuel lines?
you might want to think about putting 2 of them. i ended up putting a splitter on my socket to accommodate my gps and ipad. :):)
I installed a double cigarette socket up under my panel. It's out of the way but easily accessible since most uses are for things that would mount using a RAM mount ball.

I usually have a 10W flush profile dual USB adapter plugged into one of them.
With the GPS in the panel, I think I should only need phone/ipad charging. I also like the thought of trickle charging the plane's battery through the cigarette lighter.
Choice #2 for me was hidden behind the panel, it is a shorter wire run but would be mounted in the middle by all of the throttle/mixture/carbheat to dangle away from legs.
Still looking for thoughts about the lighter by the fuel selector.
Still looking for thoughts about the lighter by the fuel selector.

No offense intended, but what I hear in your question is that you want us to confirm what that little voice in the back of your head is telling you...that it's not a good idea to place the lighter next to the fuel selector. Personally, I agree with the voice and would find a different place for it. I can't offer proof either way that it's good or bad in that place, but I know I would just feel better having it somewhere else.

Just my opinion...worth what you paid for it...YMMV...etc. etc.
No offense intended, but what I hear in your question is that you want us to confirm what that little voice in the back of your head is telling you...that it's not a good idea to place the lighter next to the fuel selector. Personally, I agree with the voice and would find a different place for it. I can't offer proof either way that it's good or bad in that place, but I know I would just feel better having it somewhere else.

Just my opinion...worth what you paid for it...YMMV...etc. etc.

+1, ditto, What Mike said, etc
You may want to think about putting a USB connection in there as well. Most light electronics and all phones are starting to use these. Provides for one less converter.

I believe its been mentioned here before.
I put two of them, one on the right gear tower away from my fuel lines and selector and I put the other one on a panel near the rear stick. You may want to make it accessible while standing outside the aircraft. One of the best things I did on my airplane was wire the one near the rear stick to my hot battery buss. I can reach in easily and charge my cell phone while at air shows and fly-ins without turning on the master. I can also trickle charge my battery from that same outlet.

RV-8 N84JE
Generally speaking, the wires should be above any nearby fuel lines. If you can't ensure that, change it. If you can, then it's probably okay, unless with a leak, fuel could spray to where the wires are. That's what you don't want.

Greg wrote "Stein sells this nifty little gadget for USB charging to mount directly in the panel like I did. "

I see from the Stein web site that is 5v 1.5 amp, so it won't do for an iPad. That's a pity.