Awesome writeup, Larry! You already know I'm a space fan and would like to know more about the launch sched myself. Surely someone is building a RV that works for Amazon <g>.

From the picture you took we could probably get a lon/lat of the launch site in relation to El Capitan - I found this from a news story, "It's about 5 miles east of Texas Highway 54, the main north-south road from Van Horn to Carlsbad, N.M., can be barely discerned from the highway and is midway between Van Horn and the Guadalupe Mountains National Park. The park, which includes some of the highest mountains in Texas, is about 50 miles to the north on the Texas-New Mexico border.":

Larry Pardue photograph (web site)

I'm kicking myself for not trying to locate this on the trip out to LOE awhile back. That would have been well worth a few bucks in fuel to see.

Thanks again for the writeup. I Googled news stories on the recent launch and found quite a few. I also found a blog that had some photos taken from the ground.

All this 'Area 51 in our backyard' is kinda fun, I must admit.

11/19 Update: I found an article with a map showing exactly where everything is.

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rocket launches

Larry, if your are interested in rocket launch's you don?t have to go very far from home. This last Monday at our EAA meeting here in Roswell, NM, we had the CEO and engineering people from Beyond Earth pay us a visit.

They are a company currently designing and buildings rockets and are doing their launches from the old Atlas silo site south of the Roswell airport, KROW.

They are working out of the armory building at the airport and have invited us to visit. Contact Tom B. from Dexter, he knows where it?s at
