Awesome. That video captures the spirit of flying an RV better than any other I've seen. I love it!
I agree with all the other posters. This is great. Nice job guys, very nice. What I saw in the video was a bunch of guys really enjoying themselves. Thank you.
Wait a second.
Weren't you the guys that provided the evening entertainment every night at Johnson Creek last June?
The sound is sure familiar.
The RV's sure look familiar.
If so I'm really hoping we end up there together next year cause it was great!
Outstanding video too. Thanks for posting that.
Oh, Man! Does that take me back to a former life! :)

F-9 Cougar, A-4 Skyhawk, F-4 Phantom, USN. :D
Ha Ha Ha Ha.... :D:D Oh that's great fun guys!!! Thanks for your service and glad you're still out zipping around smashing bugs.


That sure is one of the very best RV-video's I have EVER seen!

I can't imagine all the hard work to make it. GREAT JOB!
Great flying, great planes, very nice music and nice people!
That video sure shows what kind of plane the RV is, in the hand of skilled pilots!

Thanks alot for sharing guys!!!! :D