
Well Known Member
Hi guys,

Resurrecting my new-to-me RV3 and will keep it unpainted/polished. Only... what to do with those fibreglass bits?

Has anyone tried vinyl wrapping the engine cowlings and/or wing tips and other fairings in "chrome" wrap? How does that compare to a proper polish? Looks good or too much difference in hue to be nice?


Here's a photo of a local Xenos motorglider that's polished with the fiberglass painted red. Not exactly an answer to your question, but I rather like it.

P1030724 S.jpg

I've always wondered this as well. I just love the look of polished vintage airplanes, but they also usually have formed metal tail tips & fairings. But then again, some have silver-doped fabric control surfaces too... so would silver paint look ok? Tips are easy enough to design into a paint scheme, but that tail fairing... ugh. :confused: First-world problems I think about at 3 am...
spectra chrome

Look up on the web - just what you want.

I have a Birkin Lotus 7. The body is aluminum over steel tubes much like an airplane. The nose cone is fiberglass. I kept the body unpainted but not polished. I used a 3M wrap on the nose that is called Brushed Aluminum that matches pretty well. There are some others "colors" that are much more shiny and might work to match a polished finish.
You can get 3M vinyl samples on Amazon for around $25. Lots of different shades of chrome.
FWIW, painted fibreglass and polished aluminum makes for an airplane that is much easier to see in the air. I like the *idea* of a fully "polished" airplane, but I wouldn't give up my painted fibreglass due to the lack of visibility.


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FWIW, painted fibreglass and polished aluminum makes for an airplane that is much easier to see in the air. I like the *idea* of a fully "polished" airplane, but I wouldn't give up my painted fibreglass due to the lack of visibility.

You've got a point there Rob. Thanks!

And love the look of your plane...

By the way - where do you keep your plane? At Victoria International? You don't happen to know Drew Fidoe, do you? Friend of mine...
You could have the fiberglass parts hydro-dipped. But any imperfection in the parts will show up in the finish.
Yes, at YYJ. Haven't met Drew yet. What does he fly?

A Bowers Fly Baby (that's how I've met him) in camouflage paint and a bright yellow Stitts Playmate, plus he does the occasional flying on that Pietenpol that you have there. He's got a T-hangar on I believe the north side of the field (although it has been almost 6 years since I was there). Works as a technician on the ferries. Very nice guy!
Chrome wrap

Hi, I have just finished my RV8 which I have polished, now waiting to be inspected. I have wrapped all the fibreglass parts successfully, however when I tried to wrap the cowling or wheel pants I did not have much success. The difficulty that I found was that unlike other vynil wraps, the chrome wrap does not stretch well. Perhaps a professional could do it, but I have not managed it. However, I have found a ‘chrome’ paint which looks quite good. It is a little tricky to apply, and takes a long time to cure or harden. The major disadvantage that I can see at the moment, is that apparently it cannot be polished, otherwise it loses its polished aluminum appearance. The wing tips and canopy apron look good though.

Good luck, Brent
Chrome fiberglas

One that it can be done, is to coat a non conductive objects such as fiberglas, is to coat it with a layer of carbon.

Chrome fiberglas

One way that it can be done, is to coat a non conductive objects such as fiberglas, is to coat it with a layer of carbon.
