
Well Known Member
Van's order form for a Thunderbolt engine lists chrome pushrod shroud tubes as an option. Could someone explain what the purpose of this option is so that I can try to decide if the extra cost is worth it? Thanks!
Van's order form for a Thunderbolt engine lists chrome pushrod shroud tubes as an option. Could someone explain what the purpose of this option is so that I can try to decide if the extra cost is worth it? Thanks!

Bling! Also something to keep the intrepid aviator busy when he is bored by giving him something else to clean and polish.

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Ah! That is definitely not what I expected, but it seems kind of obvious now. I guess that shows you how much I know about engines. Thank you all, you have made the decision easy for me to save $900.
Good to know. I like shiny, but I don't plan to take the cowl off very often just to show off the shiny on the engine so I'm happy to pass on this one.
Like shiny

If you have millions in the bank and more coming in and nothing to spend it on. Go for it, But, they require you polish them anytime the cowl is off. Cause who wants dirty tubes.
How much do you like cleaning v/s flying?