
Well Known Member
My wife was awesome as usual and purchased this baby for me this year for Christmas:


This thing is way cool!

I actually found a frame to fit it in Knoxville today for a reasonable price. Store was named Michael's.

I was also blessed this year with assistance on my final avionics package order that I received a few weeks ago.

What did you all score with ???
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Clothes... :mad:

Haha.. But my wife did say me ordering my wings was my Xmas present early, now if they would just get here.
I'll never forget a bike I got for Christmas when I was 10, but I think this may take the cake!

Aerosport Power IO-360B1B.

Should be here in February! :D


Santa is bringing daddy a new paint job, courtesy of CustomShooters. Still in prep phase.

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Santa (my daughter) brought me a romote controled helicoper! I'm having a blast! VERY cool!

I wonder is Vans has ever thought about a heli kit? :confused:
I woke up late this morning (recovery time), and found Tanya in the shop wiping down bench and tool box surfaces with a moist rag. She had already mopped the whole shop floor. Priceless.
I woke up late this morning (recovery time), and found Tanya in the shop wiping down bench and tool box surfaces with a moist rag. She had already mopped the whole shop floor. Priceless.

Nice delivery Scott. If you had mentioned a French Maid's outfit, we would all have known you were lying. :) Either way you win.
For RV specific gift, I got my engine and hung it....even the CFO is getting excited now.

Tis the season and have had quite wonderful holiday month.

12/10 was our 30yr anniversary.
12/17 Son home from item any parent can get
12/18 New engine picked up.
12/22 Engine install.
12/25 We got together with all 3 of our kids and grandkids for 18# Prime Rib Christmas dinner followed by a board game and 4 kinds of Pie.

We are healthy, safe and employed. Blessed to be here.
Nice delivery Scott. If you had mentioned a French Maid's outfit, we would all have known you were lying. :) Either way you win.

Nope, no outfit :). Actually, she didn't think all that much about it. I didn't even tell her how impressed I was to find her out there other than "wow, Thanks". She'll have to read about it on VAF.
Naturally I'm a bit biased, but I think I got the coolest aviation Xmas present ever. My employees all pitched together and utterly surprised me with a certificate for a ride in a P-51 Mustang. Not just any ordinary mustang mind you, but the Red Tail!! :D

I guess we'll find out of that V-12 can haul both Rozendaal and myself at the same comes the hard part.....the LOOOONG wait until the weather shapes up!

Some great stuff here! I got a logitech G940 control system for flying the computer (FSX) ;) Should be a lot of fun and a nice diversion this winter in new england when the weather is poor outside and I'm too broke to fly a real plane (almost done with school!).
Well, Santa finally stopped the snow and let us drive home from Minnesota....that's a plus!

This was "Book Christmas" for me - got several off the VAF Forums book list - Biographies of Jimmy Doolittle and Bob Hoover, "The Few" by Kershaw, and Barry Schiff's "Dream Aircraft" - lots of reading to do in the coming months while we travel - I need to have SOMETHING to do in the back seat of the Val when Louise is flying......;)

Oh yeah - finally got an Air Nibbler from my building partner as well - I think she wants me to stop ruining kit parts....:) And she also gave me some very cool hearing protectors that let me here HER, but not loud noises....I think she wants me to stop runing my ears!

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12/17 Son home from item any parent can get

"2" on that, my nephew did a tour of Afgan about a year ago and my son's best friend (and almost a "third" son) did two tours of Iraq. Both Marines, both home safe, hoo-rah!
Great Christmas!

Yep, and it only took Paul a few minutes before he was out in the hanger trying out the new nibbler and new hearing protection:


My principle, RV gift was a professional drawing of Mikey, my RV-6, by Jim Piavis. The detail is spectacular.

The last bit of our RV Christmas was visiting Steinair. My first visit and first opportunity to meet Stein, himself.


Of course, the best part of Christmas wasn't the RV-related gifts and was the opportunity to spend time with family.
After reading about building a RV for 10 years or so, I got he best gift ever. The "OK" from the wife to prep the "factory" aka back patio to build.

Belt/disc table sander
Drill Press
Band Saw
Built 4X8 EAA Table
Ordered info/dvd kit
N-number reserved.

now looking for a Tool kit.

MAN I love my wife. She has given me the opportunity to fulfill my dream, owning and flying my own plane.
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Not RV-related but, still cool?

I'll chime in. Picked it up in late October, but it's my Christmas/birthday gift.


Looks like there are lots of people that scored big this year! Nothing better than getting a child home from deployment. My older brother has been there twice and come home safe both times. Amen for that!
Stein: If you get a chance try flying it in knife edge - it's amazing with that tall flat fuselage and will fly a long way @ 90 degrees. Great present! Have fun. Bill
Slightly late Christmas but sooo worth the wait. I drove over to TruTrak yesterday and picked up my new dual screen Efis with Top of the line autopilot with auto pitch trim, and EMS. Huge thanks to Jim, Ada, Andrew, Lucas, and everyone at TruTrak. I'm going to tackle the wiring harnesses but Stein, keep your soldering gun warmed up just in case.:)
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