Jim P

Well Known Member
When it rains in Dallas for over 2 days, Doug always compares that little bit of rain to our fine weather here in the Pacific Northwest Seattle area :D. Well, every once and a while the clouds disappear, a high pressure system sits on us, leaving us with a spectacular day for flying. Soooo, with the wife out with the boy and Christmas presents wrapped, today was not a day to pass up a little RV ride along the western Cascade foothills! With a couple aileron rolls, and nice smooth air to cruise down the valleys, I thought about one of the last lines in "A Christmas Story", "and all was right with the world!"


Here's a couple other pics of today's fun (http://adap.com/rv7/More Flying.htm).
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Because I can't get out of my driveway.............in Dallas, TX.

The view out my office window Christmas morning.

Are you sure Dallas is not in the midwest?
You may have to start rooting for the MN Vikings.

Global warmin. . . I mean global climate change.
When it rains in Dallas for over 2 days, Doug always compares that little bit of rain to our fine weather here in the Pacific Northwest Seattle area :D. Well, every once and a while the clouds disappear, a high pressure system sits on us, leaving us with a spectacular day for flying. ...

On the way to Michigan last Saturday we got to see some of your "fine Seattle weather". We had a connection at SEATAC and it was the first time I was ever in a turbine-powered airplane that had to fly a missed approach due to insufficient visibility.:eek: He must have set it up for CAT II or III on the next try, as we made it fine. An interesting ride, for sure; getting a 5-second peek at the ground from about 200 feet or so then right back up into the clag.
Hi Guys,

Does the traffic gridlock in Dallas when its snows like it does in the UK? The excuse here is that it dosn't snow often so we don't know how to handle it!!!!