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Well Known Member
For those with an inclination to "experiment" a bit, check this out. Aircraft Engines/_Subarubased engines.html

It is a very good deal.

There have been development problems with the product in the past but most of the issues have been resolved, like inadequate cooling and the PSRU. I do believe most have been resolved.

My 2 cents on the H6 engine, it is a very good motor - the challenge is to get the peripheral stuff to a prop and ECU. If you are inclined to go that route, be sure to ask about the ECU.

I had many heart aches and many good experiences with the effort. It takes a certain slightly different mentality to go for it. Don't jump in on the cost alone. You definitely need to want to do something different and willing to take the risk that goes along with it. The end result can be very satisfying if all goes well. There are a few guys quietly doing just that.

For more information - good and bad on the subject - get in contact with

Peter Krok <[email protected]>

It is the best forum going on the subject but it is by invitation only and not open to the public.
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Thats quite a outlay he has on engines. The discount seems very big, what is his profit margin? No offence but this seems like a fire sale.
David is right, dont let the price convince you. You must really want one.
What a way..........

to ruin Christmas, and next Christmas and the Christmas after that too.

I have a friend who bought an RV10 package 3 years ago, still waiting for the prop and cowl. Never installed the engine, still setting on under a tarp on the hangar floor, can't give it away.

Before you flame me, I am only saying the truth, your results may be different.
Why the price?

Could it be that there is a switch to Honda engines in the works? And YES DO DIG DEEPER !!!!! There is almost always more than meets the eye.
Whew! He had much more than that of my hard earned cash at one point. I'm not proud, but very thankful of my Mattituck.
to ruin Christmas, and next Christmas and the Christmas after that too.

I have a friend who bought an RV10 package 3 years ago, still waiting for the prop and cowl. Never installed the engine, still setting on under a tarp on the hangar floor, can't give it away.

Before you flame me, I am only saying the truth, your results may be different.

Yes, this forum isn't what you'd call "Egg friendly".............but that's the way it is...........and should be! Just an upfront warning! In general Egg installations on RV's have been much less succesful than the Lycoming or clones. Less climb rate, less cruise speed, a near continual worry about engine temps. And a far less return on investment if you attempt to sell the RV. I've seen all of this first hand, due to the fact that a friend of ours installed one in his 8. It's been modification after modification to get the cooling problems somewhat in check. He's also on the second prop reduction unit that goes for a mere $4500. The first one wasn't worn out. It only had 28 hrs. on it in a year, because of temp problems. It's just that it was re-called.

See Van's newsletter a few additions back. Someone pulled their Egg with less than seven hours on it, & installed a Lyc clone.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
Whew! He had much more than that of my hard earned cash at one point. I'm not proud, but very thankful of my Mattituck.

I read your "very interesting" EGG story on your website. Some things actually work to the best afterall ! :D

L.Adamson --- RV6A 0360 Lycoming

I suspect that my post and this thread will be chopped by the moderators, but in case it is not, I strongly recommend that you do your homework before buying an engine.
Piling On?

I suspect that my post and this thread will be chopped by the moderators, but in case it is not, I strongly recommend that you do your homework before buying an engine.

I'm not going to chop the thread or post Mickey, but I think that we've got a pretty good collection of negative posts here and in the archives (what - ten thousand or so?:rolleyes:) to enlighten most folks that are casually thinking of an alternative engine.

I worry that with the vehement (and many times justified!) responses we get on any alternative engine related thread, we drive people who really DO like to experiment away from VAF. Warnings are good, but piling on? I understand that there are vendors out there that folks ned to be told about - that's been done over and over again. How many more times? Till the topic goes away? We could just ask Doug to remove the forum....

The idea is to spread information, and that's been done - not to continue bashing an idea. That drives people away - and although I am just a member/moderator, my feeling is that there are already too many schisms in aviation to be exclusive.

Again, I am a Lyclone fan myself, but there ARE experienced folks with lots to share that go in to Alternatives with their eyes open and I'd like to have them stick around to participate.

Completely my own opinions!

I really like the idea of an alternate engine to the Lyc or Cont. Only because it is the spirit of invention. That being said, I have had two engines fail in my life. One left me stranded on the side of the road (Subaru) the other making an emergency approach shortly after takeoff (Lycoming).

Anyone want to try a Toyota?
I really like the idea of an alternate engine to the Lyc or Cont. Only because it is the spirit of invention. That being said, I have had two engines fail in my life. One left me stranded on the side of the road (Subaru) the other making an emergency approach shortly after takeoff (Lycoming).

Anyone want to try a Toyota?
I think the Toyota will need fuel, too. :D
Positive reply.

I am in favor of alternative engines and think that it is time to come to a new world. And I would like to use Mogas myself if it is readily available. Now then... There have been many problems in the past with the Egg engine. That would be hard to refute. The one problem (the PSRU) that held my attention seems to have been fixed. I am very hopeful of this because I have friends out there. Any comment on my part is because I consider all pilots friends. I want you to be successful. I strongly suggest that you be a good mechanic to undertake this sort of project. I would also be ready to take everything apart and check the construction of each modification, and be ready to make some of your own parts. The racing community seems to have a good handle on these engines, and some solid good advice to us on how to keep them running. God bless and watch out for you people out there who are taking us to a new level.
I really like the idea of an alternate engine to the Lyc or Cont. Only because it is the spirit of invention. That being said, I have had two engines fail in my life. One left me stranded on the side of the road (Subaru) the other making an emergency approach shortly after takeoff (Lycoming).

Anyone want to try a Toyota?

The next EGG adventure involves a Honda engine, not a Toyota, to perhaps shake up the Rotax 912 world if that is possible.

Go see Aircraft Engines/_Hondabased Engines.html
for more info on that subject.
I think the Toyota will need fuel, too. :D

Hey now, I had fuel

Subaru - snapped timing belt (60k miles)
Lycoming - got hungry and decided to eat an exhaust valve, then started to choke on it.

The Honda conversion looks interesting.
I'm not going to chop the thread or post Mickey, but I think that we've got a pretty good collection of negative posts here and in the archives (what - ten thousand or so?:rolleyes:) to enlighten most folks that are casually thinking of an alternative engine.

I worry that with the vehement (and many times justified!) responses we get on any alternative engine related thread, we drive people who really DO like to experiment away from VAF. Warnings are good, but piling on? I understand that there are vendors out there that folks need to be told about - that's been done over and over again. How many more times? Till the topic goes away? We could just ask Doug to remove the forum....

The idea is to spread information, and that's been done - not to continue bashing an idea. That drives people away - and although I am just a member/moderator, my feeling is that there are already too many schisms in aviation to be exclusive.

Again, I am a Lyclone fan myself, but there ARE experienced folks with lots to share that go in to Alternatives with their eyes open and I'd like to have them stick around to participate.

Completely my own opinions!


Well said Paul! I was going to make a similar comment but you said it much better than I could! There are several people who vanished or don't post very often anymore that have had great successes in alternative engines. We have lost some great knowledge because of it. Certified engines took many years to get where they are today and they still have some failures once and a while. Enough beating a dead horse. Like Paul said there are thousands of posts on this subject.
What Paul says makes sense. It probably isnt viable, but why not have a thread which would be the :
" beware items"
This could be used to warn new members or users of this forum of vendors etc of which to be aware of. Not to allow slating in the thread but merely place the facts in the open. This forum holds a lot of info and the search function does not always take you to the "be carefull" posts.

Maybe it could save someone some heartache?

As for myself I have avoided stepping into dangerous areas like "blue mountain" thanks to VAF.
Always consider looking at the Florida sun shine state comptroller records for ownership records before buying any engine. You'd be surprised at what it will reveil. :eek:
By the activity on the "alternate engine" threads, I believe we are ALL ready to to jump on an alternative as soon as someone declares, "I got 4000 hours on my Briggs and it cost $2500, ace hardware overhauled it for $400! (and it burns ethanol/auto fuel).

Right now the EGG is the closest thing to that. The recent threads on this subject kind-of makes me want to explore that option if I build another.
There are several people who vanished or don't post very often anymore that have had great successes in alternative engines. We have lost some great knowledge because of it.

Yup. Most of us are on the FlySoob and Subenews Yahoo lists, where we can have friendly discussions without the drama and sometimes flaming rants that happen here. Anyone wishing to talk in a civilized manner about alternative engines is welcome to join us on the Flysoob list, and if you own an Eggenfellner engine you would be very welcome in the Subenews list as well. Feel free to contact me off list if you'd like.


I like this forum, but I think it is best to communicate facts instead of here-say.

I have an RV-9a with an H-6 on it and love it. It is as smooth as a turboprop and very fuel efficient.

I solved my cooling issues this summer, they are NO LONGER an issue.

I think the engine package IS a little slower, but you have to ask yourself why you want one of these engines.

If you want smoothness and good fuel efficiency, buy a Sub, if you want proven technology and a "rattle-wagon", buy a Lyc.

Sometimes it seems people are just scared of what they dont know about. REMEMBER, you all are flying and EXPERIMENTAL airplane. Have some FUN with it and make your hangar neighbors jealous when you start up!!!

Double Standard


I like this forum, but I think it is best to communicate facts instead of here-say.

If you want smoothness and good fuel efficiency, buy a Sub, if you want proven technology and a "rattle-wagon", buy a Lyc.

Sometimes it seems people are just scared of what they dont know about. REMEMBER, you all are flying and EXPERIMENTAL airplane. Have some FUN with it and make your hangar neighbors jealous when you start up!!!


This is part of the problem. Many of the alt guys are quick to throw around, "Lycosaurus" or "rattle-wagon," but heaven forbid if you state a fact about an alt engine that doesn't fall into alt mind set. From my personal experience when I was in the alt engine camp, was that they, as a whole are very unwilling to openly discuss issues, accidents or real problems with their engines. If it is negative, it is censured very quickly. This is not productive. You certainly don't see this on the Lycoming lists. Discuss it, fix it.

That first line cracks me up. My ECI IO 360 with the Whirlwind 200 RV is very smooth and extremely efficient. I'll gladly take a little shake for dependability.

Regarding the second sentence, what I know about alt engines is factual, they are still very unproven as a long term dependable option to time proven Lycoming or clone. You don't have to like it, but it is true.
From my personal experience when I was in the alt engine camp, was that they, as a whole are very unwilling to openly discuss issues, accidents or real problems with their engines. If it is negative, it is censured very quickly. This is not productive. You certainly don't see this on the Lycoming lists. Discuss it, fix it.

Hi Darwin,
Please don't take this offensively, but from my personal experience on this forum, it is not possible to openly discuss anything related to alternative engines without getting a slew of negativity thrown at you. If you post something positive, you'll get a slew of negative comments. If you post something negative, you get a bunch of "I told you so" comments. That is why we no longer post much of anything on here anymore. We now have our own forum to discuss matters, and indeed it is done in an open manner, including the good, the bad, and the ugly. The biggest difference is that we all work together to understand the issues, and try to work productively as a team.


I like this forum, but I think it is best to communicate facts instead of here-say.

I have an RV-9a with an H-6 on it and love it. It is as smooth as a turboprop and very fuel efficient.

I solved my cooling issues this summer, they are NO LONGER an issue.

I think the engine package IS a little slower, but you have to ask yourself why you want one of these engines.

If you want smoothness and good fuel efficiency, buy a Sub, if you want proven technology and a "rattle-wagon", buy a Lyc.

Sometimes it seems people are just scared of what they dont know about. REMEMBER, you all are flying and EXPERIMENTAL airplane. Have some FUN with it and make your hangar neighbors jealous when you start up!!!

Not good to call a Lyc a rattle wagon. :( I can only assume that you solved the cooling issue by installing numerous "snouts" on the cowling, and possibly some oversized cowl flaps.

Yes, the Subie is definately slower...

No hangar neighbors around our airport are jealous. Actually, we feel a bit bad about the whole affair.

The Subie sounds very fast when airborne. Unfortunately, the sound appears about three times as fast as the airplane actually moves..

None of this is hearsay. Only facts...

L.Adamson --- RV6A/ 0360Lyc
the sound appears about three times as fast as the airplane actually moves..

None of this is hearsay. Only facts...

Okay, now that is funny! No, really, I laughed in an amused way, not trying to be insulting.

Your first sentence above is in fact a fine example of hearsay, or opinion. I found it funny that in the very next sentence, you say it isn't! :)
Okay, now that is funny! No, really, I laughed in an amused way, not trying to be insulting.

Your first sentence above is in fact a fine example of hearsay, or opinion. I found it funny that in the very next sentence, you say it isn't! :)

Well............a friend of ours owns an H6. When it flies, we all look up and make this "opinionated" observation... :D

It's a screamer on takeoff too! We told the owner that we were going to start a petition to have it banned from the airport for noise pollution. We were only kidding of course... :)

At least I think we were kidding... :confused:

L.Adamson -- RV6A
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