
Well Known Member
With not having anything or anyone to celebrate Christmas with this year, I decided to get up and be in the air to watch the sunrise. The plane was pushed out in the twilight of the sunrise. Temp was about 36 degrees, cold for an AZ boy. Frost was on my truck and in the grass bays separating the runway and taxiways. Before flying, I went back in the kitchen for my second cup of coffee and then stood by the plane watching the light creep Westward. (The beauty of living at an airpark).

In the cool air the plane jumped into the air. A quick check on the screen of the 430 for traffic in the area with none showing, I set the auto pilot for 1000 fmp. At 4000 I leveled off. Man, it was peaceful. No other planes in the air. Not a peep on 122.9. I have not heard it this quiet since 9/11. I just enjoyed the light starting to give character to the mountains.

While waiting for the sunrise to develop I took the time to re-calibrate the Dynon 10A. Perfect timing. Several shots were taken of the sunrise. Other than some haze from fireplaces, it was crystal clear. Estimated visibility of 80 miles. Not bad.



After .7, I headed back home. I couldn't help but to do a low pass on a couple of truckers along I 10 driving toward Phoenix. Nothing too low but enough to say "hello."

On downwind to my airpark, I got a quick shot of the huge shopping mall near the airpark. Totally deserted, a very unusual site.

A beautiful morning in the Phoenix area. Going to take up a neighbors kids for a quick ride and then hit a couple of movies, before going to work tonight. Everyone have a great Christmas.
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What a great way to spend a Christmas sunrise. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

David Watson
Would have loved to do the dawn patrol this morning. It has been raining here for the last sevral days. Temp 45 at 5am this morning, then 32 at 6am, and 24 at 7am. Snow falling and winds gusting to 35. No flying this Christmas Day.
36 is cold? You are a wimp.

Sherlock Holmes opens today, go see that and give us a PIREP on it. Thanks for doing what you do and working on Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone.
sounds like a wonderful way to start Christmas day. Unfortunately after several days of wonderful high pressure and clear skies (ok some very high stratus yesterday) today started and is still foggy at 10 am. No flying this morning. temp 20 F , would be wonderful performance but no getting up through the fog around here.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Thank you Doug for running this place, and thank you to the moderators. I fear sometimes i make them work. ;)

to everyone: there have been a couple times when I write something with feeling behind it. It often comes out harsh or antagonistic. I'm sorry. I'm trying to be a better contributor to these forums.
Bend fog

Interesting! We're at SunRiver and it's clear, sunny and beautiful here - hope it clears in Bend later. Merry Christmas.
Interesting! We're at SunRiver and it's clear, sunny and beautiful here - hope it clears in Bend later. Merry Christmas.

Thank you Bill- Often our area fog rolls in from the north, and it seems like it usually is stopped halfway between bend and redmond, but not this morning. It is supposed to clear up later today.
Great report, Darwin.

When all else is just so, it is good to be an aviator, have an airplane one cares about and just blast off for a bit of peace in the air. It is just a part of what makes this so worthwhile.

I don't want to hear about 36F in Arizona, our airpark is shut down due to rain, ice, snow, and very cold (like down to 15 tonight) after 50F+ yesterday. I don't know if we are having global cooling or warming but the weather extremes are becoming more extreme.
Interesting! We're at SunRiver and it's clear, sunny and beautiful here - hope it clears in Bend later. Merry Christmas.
Bill, I tried to send you a PM, but your box is full. Give me a shout if you feel like checking out a project- I'm about 2 miles west of Sunriver, under the traffic pattern:)
Darwin, 36 is cold? Well, yes it is to me too. I won't echo Jeff's comments, but he's tough. As David said, too da.. cold here that's why we are leaving for Tucson in the morning (Six wheel RV style). Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all on the forum.

Christmas Day

I don't want to hear about 36F in Arizona, our airpark is shut down due to rain, ice, snow, and very cold (like down to 15 tonight) after 50F+ yesterday.

Sorry to hear that David, we are suffering through a series of 68F days here. :rolleyes:


John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
KSBA, (Santa Barbara, CA)
Danny: We skied @ Bachelor today (12:30 to 4 pm) and it was clear and gorgeous. Unfortunately the valley was fogged in as was Sunriver when we returned this evening. Hope you get good flying wx soon. Bill

Nice way to start the day! Followed your lead and decided to test the new RPM transducer...my excuse anyway! :) Turned into a "Ski Patrol" over Tahoe, so here is your Christmas Day Tahoe Basin Visual Ski Report (also 36 degrees...though its a dry cold! ;)):

Truckee Airport and Northstar:

Squaw Valley:

Homewood and Alpine Meadows:

Heavenly...whoops, how'd this get in there (man do I need a window wash!)

There, that's better!:

Sun's gettin' a bit lower over the Sierras to the west...Tahoe and Emerald Bay below:

Hope you're having a very Merry Christmas and Santa was good to you!

Cheers, and Ho, Ho, Ho!
Mrry Christmas

Darwin, Merry Christmas.
I had the same idea of a dawn patrol. Unfortunately, the 2800 ft overcast cleared 45 min after sunrise. The flight was nice but I missed the sunrise.