
Moderator/Tech Counselor
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year, everyone. All the best and keep the RV Grin!!!

Roberta and Rich Hegy

Happy Holidays!!!

The Reeves family sends Season's Greetings and Happy Holidays to our 'extended family' everywhere!

Wishing you all an enjoyable and happy 2006.


Doug, Susie and the kids

Thanks Roberta. All of us who have the opportunity to build an RV are blessed indeed. A wonderful christmas and happy, prosperous New Year to all, hopefully with some RV flying! Bill
Merry Christmas

Looks what you started here Roberta....Here's our Christmas Card picture for 2005 :D We wish all our VAF family a SAFE, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Rosie & Tuppergal


As JS said it's a wonderful life and 2005 was a great gift. We wish all of our fellow RV builders and flyers an even better 2006 - me I'll settle for having an uneventfull and healthy 2006.

Merry Christmas all,

Bob Axsom
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all.

The information obtained here is absolutely wonderful, thank to all who participate.
From Germany

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Germany! We are spending these days finishing the fuel tanks and getting a little messy, but happy to do so!!
Detlef and Lilian
Merry Christmas, Chaunaka, Kwanzaa, Festivus, All Saints Day or whatever the hell holiday it is that you celebrate!


This is our Christmas card for this year. Wyatt is much more photogenic than me, so this is what you get!

