
Interested in any advise relating to pro,s and cons of electronic systems.
There seems to be a lot of info out there. But interested in what the groups experience is. Good or bad?

Seriously, use the search function. This is one of the more commonly debated questions.
One other thing...

Most of the people on here have only built one plane. So, they can only speak about what they have experience with, for the most part.

There are pro's and con's to every item you select to put in your plane. Your challenge as you sort through the thousands of decisions you will make during your build is to review the pro's and con's of each of those decisions and pick the one that fits you best.
It depends ...

Interested in any advise relating to pro,s and cons of electronic systems.
There seems to be a lot of info out there. But interested in what the groups experience is. Good or bad?

What are your goals or desires for EI for the plane?

- Top speed?
- Lowest Cost?
- Ease of installation?
- Reliability?
- Availability after power fail?
- "Hottest" spark(s)

Having installed more than one and flown behind more than one, I can say that all I have flown behind work.

Some vendors have better customer interactions.
Some products are harder to install than others.
Some products "fire" better than others (I have two different ones on one plane)

Sooooo .... It all depends. Send me a message offline and I will chat about the ones I have used. Without a sense of what you want, ANY one of the available ones would be fine.

use google search

Welcome to VAF.

The search that is part of the site is not very helpful. That may be strong, but if you use google and specify vansairforce: search item, you will find things much easier.

Best of luck finding the info you are looking for.