8 Builder

Active Member
Hi all- I have been looking at ELTs to put in the RV8. The Artex 345 does everything I want it to and has a pretty good price at 525 bucks through most vendors. While reading up on the installation, I came across the specs on the antenna. It is almost 2 feet long,(23.4"). Where the heck can that go in an RV8? All the pictures I have seen of ELT antennas show them tucked away under the VS fairing or up near the roll bar at the back of the pilot's seat. Has anyone had any experience with this model?

Hi Rich,

I just installed a 345 in my RV8. I mounted the antenna on the aft part of the right "arm rest" for the back seat.
Not that modle

have not used that modle, but you are correct on the two most commen places. we tryed a lot to make a better place to install the antenna, but came to the same conclussion. we used the rear formmer bulked of the top skin, on the tail. there is an AK-450 in our dird and the antenna is about two feet long. it does fit well under that fairing and most all the FSDO and DAR,s we have delt with have had no problem with it there and it works just fine there when tested. Your,s REA lll #80888
Thanks for the feedback. I have found that there is a lot of past information out there regarding the ELT antenna placement. Tough in the 8, to say the least. Does anyone know if bending a curve in the antenna, such as matching the curve of the canopy, degrades the signal much? I ordered the Artex 345 today so will make a placement decision soon. Leaning toward the area under the empennage fairing.

Building on, Rich
Some have wrapped the antenna wire around a rod to form a coil in part of the antenna, to make it physically shorter. That's what I have done on mine, and mounted under the fiberglass emp fairing. YMMV.
Out on the road.

Sorry, I was on the road up in Omaha the last week and only had a small I-Pad I don't use much. The rear former Bulkhead at the rear edge of the upper skin is not a structural peace. You can make the lightering hole bigger in order to get your hand in there or make a pocket to receive the base of the ELT antenna so that base can be placed a little further forward if needed. If you place the ELT unit in or just behind the rear baggage this makes the wire run for the antenna easy as well. Yours, R.E.A. III #80888

P.S. yes none of our teams will make it to the finals.