Chino Tom

Well Known Member

May 3, 2013 ? Chino Airport

It?s that time again; time for the 13th Annual RV Fly In/Planes of Fame Airshow, on Saturday, May 3rd, 2014

Last year we had a great turn out of people and RVs, and the Planes of Fame Airshow was fantastic. The weather was great, and we hope for the same this year.

This is a time when those of you who are thinking about building an RV, are building an RV, or are just curious about RVs, can fly or drive to Chino Airport to see a broad variety of RVs, see RVs under construction, see old friends and meet new friends, and see the best War Bird-oriented Air Show you will ever see.

We will once again have the use of a large hangar, oriented to the Air Show activities and flying, where you can sit in the shade and watch beautifully-restored and historic airplanes fly. We will also be serving a ?Mexican Bar-B-Que? at noon, along with cold soft drinks. We hope you will donate a modest sum to help us cover costs for food.

We will have tickets to the Air Show venue at ?good guy? prices of $13 per, versus $24 at the gate. I get a block of tickets each year to sell and support the Planes of Fame Museum. I hope you all will buy a ticket, as you will need a ticket to enter the show grounds area proper, and get up close and personal to the planes, but it is not mandatory. Make sure and bring a camera.

As we have done for the last several years, we will have an RV Formation demonstration during the pre-show activities around 9:45 AM.

For those of you who are planning to fly in, please check the weather and plan for an arrival prior to 10:30AM, as the airport closes for Air Show activities; opens again at noon for arrivals/departures until 12:20, and then closes again until 4:00 PM for the Air Show.

When you land and clear the runway, please tell ground control that you are going to the

RV Fly In in Hangar B-340. You will probably be directed to taxi east on Alpha, north on Delta, and then turn left on Papa. When you turn left on Papa, you will essentially be facing the hangar within B-340 where we will be holding the Fly In. Park on either side of Hangar B-340. We?ll try to have someone direct you where to taxi for parking.

For those of you who are planning on driving in, remember that parking is limited. In order to access the hangar area where we will have our event, please use the Tenant Access Pass attached to this note. I?ve marked the map to show that you should enter the airport grounds at GATE 5, and follow the red line to the hangar marked in red. Remember that the hangars belong to the tenants, and airplanes have the right of way.

DO NOT ENTER THE AIRPORT FROM EUCLID AVENUE TO MERRILL AVENUE. It will be a long walk from the general parking area to our hangar. If you are coming up Euclid Avenue, go past Merrill to Eucalyptus and go east, then turn south on Bon View, then left on Merrill to Gate 5. See the enclosed map. Tell the security guard you are going to the ?RV Fly In?. Make sure to bring theTENANT ACCESS PASS!

Please e-mail me if you are planning to attend. It will help us figure out how much food we?ll need

We look forward to seeing you all at the 13TH ANNUAL RV FLY IN/PLANES OF FAME AIRSHOW

Dave ?Hog? Klages

Brad ?Wingnut? Peacock

Scott ?Debris? Farner

Dan ?Sunblock? Hall

Eddy ?Fast Eddy? Tohikian

Tom ?Redtail? Prokop

Rick Scord

David Klages, FAIA
e-mail: [email protected]
I believe museum admission will get you in the gate on Friday. There
is a practice airshow. There are several local hotels, but nothing within
walking distance.
One more week

Come join us if you can. In addition to the RV's, there will be 3 b-17's, more mustangs in one place than you've ever seen, an FW-190, dozens of other warbirds and an f-22 demo (and legacy) flight. Gota love Chino :D
Chino Airshow Tickets


Who would I contact to get a couple of the "good guy" $13 tickets, and the tenant access pass for parking at the fly-in? I'm in fontana, so I will just drive in.

Not this year

Unfortunately there is not a planned RV fly-in to the Chino Airshow this year
(2015). Our host and friend Dave Klages has sold both of his airplanes and only
occasionally visits CNO. Maybe one of the West Coast Ravens can comment.
I haven't heard if they are flying before the show. For the first time in a dozen
years I won't be at the airshow. Friday is a practice show day this year ($20 admission)
and there will be a twighlight airshow. Good day to come out if you can, lots
of activity in the afternoon (arrivals) with show participants doing their routines
(including the military stuff). This year there is a Canadian F-18 and USAF F-22
flight display, Sean D Tucker and as always the most comprehensive bunch of
flying warbirds doing their stuff.
Bummer - No RV Fly In

So there isn't going to be an RV Fly in at Chino this year. Bummer. :(

All is not lost. If you want to check out an RV or just stop by and chat, I will have my plane pulled out in front of Hangar B-260 #9. That's across from Aircraftsman, just down the next hangar row from where the fly in used to be.

No Food. No Fly in. Lot's of RV chit chat if you want to stop by. :)

I'll be heading down anyway on the Saturday. I guess it'll be transient parking this time.

'Hope to catch up with a few of the regulars.