
Well Known Member

I would like to paint my rudder with the classical chess 'racer' style (B&W), really I don't know if this style has a specific name.

Have you some tips, pics or stuff for doing this ?

Thanks in advance
Lots of people, myself included, painted the rudder in the base color and applied vinyl sign material as the checkerboard. I have 500+ hours and 7 years on my airplane and the vinyl checkerboard looks like new.
You'll find several threads on this topic. The one I found interesting in the past is that they frequently line them out with narrow tape -such that when it is painted, the corners of the boxes of the second color actually don't intersect. But you can't tell it unless you get up close. This makes it a much easier project than it is assumed to be.

You'll find several threads on this topic. The one I found interesting in the past is that they frequently line them out with narrow tape -such that when it is painted, the corners of the boxes of the second color actually don't intersect. But you can't tell it unless you get up close. This makes it a much easier project than it is assumed to be.


This is what I intend to do. 3M sells a 1/16" wide painters tape that will be perfect for this application. I will spray my base color over the entire tail, then tape off the checker board pattern and spray the second color. I really like 3.5" to 4" squares.