
Well Known Member
Hi Folks!!

almost there, plan to rivet the upper forward fuselage skin F-821-1 on next weekend.
Removed everything i could (avionics, stick, etc..) to be able to buck those rivets from the inside.
The ones inside the very top of the gear tower still seem to be a PITA to buck.
I am planning on using cherrymax rivets for those 26 rivets (13 each side).
Plans call for AN426AD3-6 rivets, i couldn't find any #40 cherrymax so far.
I have plenty of #30 cherrymax in the correct length (sorry, can't recall the part number exactly) i am planning to use.

Talked to some mechanics in my "shop of trust", pop-rivet tool is the way to go with those cherrymax rivets.

I have seen and read couple of threads on this topic already.
Decision is pretty much made, just looking for some encouragement or showstoppers to be identified which i did not see so far.

Here is what i plan to do:
-drill those 26 holes (13 each side) to #30
-countersink side forward fuselage skins F-820-L/R-1 (skins are already riveted on, cannot be peeled of enough to countersink the longeron F-887-L/R-1 and dimple the side skin)
-dimple upper forward fuselage skin
-use pop-rivet tool to set the cherrymax

asking for comments!!

mit Fliegergruss

cherry max F-821PP

Hi Daida,

I only had to do 8 on each side, just the ones that were not accessible due to the gear tower. I can send pics if that will help, but not much to it.

The rest I pulled with a "normal" pop rivet tool. Worked fine!
I know you said you already have the rivets, but GAHCO sells a cherrymax rivet that many of us (self included) have used just for this purpose, with the body of a #30 and the head of a #40. Search the forums for "cr3214-4-04".
Installed cherry rivets in upper skin at gear tower area. Drilled out to #30 and installed 12ea CR3214 4-4-04 and 2ea CR3214 4-4-05.

Thanks everyone!
sometimes a decission is easier with ?a little help from my friends?!

Thanks for the advice about the existance of CR3214 4-4-X!
But as i have the other ones on hand, i will go with them, #30 shank and head.

I just have to wait for the weekend now...........


Mit Fliegergruss
