
Well Known Member
Hi all .... RV4 Rudder. And need to replace R-410 ... so need the equivalent strength in a " CHERRY MAX "( no room for bucking bar now that rudder is fully assembled) for these two rivets. AN 470 AD4-6. AN470 AD 4-4. New to all this so thanks in advance for the help. Cheers. Stew
A Cherrymax oversized rivet (CR3242 and CR3243)has roughly the equivalent strength to solid rivets in sheets .040? and thicker. Cherrymax rivets don?t have the hole filling characteristics of solid rivets and have lower bearing strengths in thinner sheets. So, beware using Cherrymax in thinner sheets. I don?t suspect your application highly loads the sheets, and Cherrymax standard diameters will work.

I would call Vans and ask them, you will not be the first person with this problem.

Cherrymax have a narrow grip range, an I would always use a Cherrymax gauge to check for the perfect length.
