
Active Member
I am looking at buying an RV with dual Chelton EFISes. Are these still supported--parts and software/firmware updates? From what I understand, Cobham has taken Chelton out of the experimental EFIS market and they are only making high-end equipment for certified aircraft.

I called and e-mailed Cobham but have not gotten any response...which makes me think that the answer is "no." If there is no support then that is pretty much a deal-breaker on this airplane.
I have not needed anything for my Cheltons, but when I called them a year ago they said they would support any units in the field including upgrades to newer equipment and repairs. They were more than helpful with firmware updates, data base updates, tech advice, etc.

Take a hard look at the Chelton System, you are gonna love the Cheltons for flying. The HITS (highway in the sky) has to be seen to be believed. Simply fly the plane through the green boxes and it will take you to the end of the runway. Terrain, obsticals, traffic, weather, engine functions, all on screen. There is a reason they are going to high end aircraft.

Hopefully, Steiner will be along shortly and add is $.02 worth. He built my panel and it has worked beautifully for 6 years now.

Good luck.
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Chelton does still support their experimental EFIS. If I were you, I would talk to Stein, or some of the other avionics shops that do a lot of experimental work. For a while, Stein was not doing much with Chelton after his experience with the D2 fiasco. But, I notice that he is now offering Chelton systems on his website. Tim Olson would be another good resource.

I have dual Chelton's and I really love them, BUT, your concern is valid. If I were buying an RV and found one I really liked, Cheltons would not be a deal breaker for me.

$.02 worth
Chelton does still support their experimental EFIS. If I were you, I would talk to Stein, or some of the other avionics shops that do a lot of experimental work. For a while, Stein was not doing much with Chelton after his experience with the D2 fiasco. But, I notice that he is now offering Chelton systems on his website. Tim Olson would be another good resource.

I have dual Chelton's and I really love them, BUT, your concern is valid. If I were buying an RV and found one I really liked, Cheltons would not be a deal breaker for me.

$.02 worth

Honestly that's an accident on the website and I need to fix that (I won't sell you a new unit). While Cobham is supporting the existing units and I sold many of these units to many of you; I would recommend something else if I were buying new. That being said, I wouldn't base a purchase of a plane 100% on these systems. I would make the decision based on the entire plane (price, engine, interior, quality, etc). Give me a call tomorrow and we'll chat more about it (I think you spoke to one of my guys this afternoon).

Personally I thought that the way Chelton/Cobham handled the Direct 2 Avionics fiasco was lame. Chelton set D2 up as their primary distributor to the experimental market, and put their stamp of approval on D2 making them seem trustworthy. When D2 mismanaged their finances and went under, taking customer money with them with no delivered products, all Chelton was willing to do was SELL systems at cost to folks who HAD ALREADY PAID FOR THEM. If they had had any class, they would have taken responsiblity for creating the problem and delivered the systems that had been paid for to make the customers whole. Choosing to insert a middle man in their experimental sales, and then not monitoring that middle man was irresponsible, and showed a huge lack of judgement on the part of Chelton's management. Failing to take care of the customers, that was what put Chelton out of business in the experimental market. They had to leave the market in shame.

That's my .02 based on some personal experiences I had with Chelton.

We at AeroLEDs will not turn our backs on the the experimental market, even if we grow into other markets. It's a great market, with great people, and its where many small aviation business get their starts.