
Does anyone know where i can get the software that goes on the configuration data card for a Chelton system? I have a card and it worked at one time but it seems to be corrupt or just not there now. But I can't for the life of me remember where I got this software. I am pretty sure I downloaded it off the net somewhere; might have been e-mailed to me I just don't remember. So does anyone know where I can find it?
I'm not sure what configuration software you are talking about, but if you have a Chelton EFIS system, go to and join the forum. It is the best resource website for user support of the experimental Chelton systems.
For anyone with Chelton systems, if you don't know already, S-TEC has closed the doors on Chelton. From what I hear, they will no longer be offering software updates or extensive support.

Advanced Flight Systems is the way to go!
You can still get support from Chelton...but, you need to get the right software. It's different for the IDU 1's verses the IDU 3's and also freeflight/GADAHRS/Xbow/Pinpoint differences.

Give a shout to Cobham/Chelton/S-Tec (or whatever they are calling themselves now) and they should be able to help. If not, I have software for the IDU 3's, but not the IDU 1's.

Advanced does use the Crossbow which is an excellent AHRS. Crossbow briefly got a bad rap when the Crossbow 425EX AHRS was supplied with the Chelton Sport system. A lot of the problem was due to the junk GPS antenna that Direct 2 Avionics supplied with the system. The 425 requires GPS for aiding.

There was also a free upgrade that Crossbow offered to all 425EX users, and with the upgrade and a real GPS antenna, it works well. The AHRS in the Advanced is not the 425EX. We have not yet had a customer with an Advanced system with an AHRS related issue, and I don't think Stein has either.