
Well Known Member
Friend has a Chelton (Genesys) system with an ADAHRS that has been giving him trouble. He has sent it into Chelton for repair and when he reinstalled it he gets a mismatched AH. He sent it back in and Chelton says it works OK on their bench. He reinstalled it and it still doesn't work. Now they don't seem to answer their phone.

We are wondering if anyone has a spare ADAHRS he could borrow to try and trouble shoot his issue. He has the Pinpoint type of HDAHRS.


You might try asking here

Has he tried putting the system in ground diagnostic mode to see what is coming from the ADAHRS? To get there you need to insert a smart media card, hold the "heading slave" button while booting the ADAHRS and EFIS, then select ADAHRS maintenance from the ground menu. This will bring up readings from all the sensors and gyros and the raw data coming from the serial connection from the ADAHRS.

The problem might be the serial connection between the ADAHRS and the EFIS.

Thanks Bruce. I will pass your suggestion along. If that doesn't help we'll check your provided link.
From the owner:

I've dove all that a couple times and forwarded the info to Gynesis. The AHARS data looks good according to Gynesis. They have no idea why the gyro "tumbles". The AHARS works fine until you do some pitch maneuvers. Then it won't come back to level for about 2 minutes.
From the owner:

I've dove all that a couple times and forwarded the info to Gynesis. The AHARS data looks good according to Gynesis. They have no idea why the gyro "tumbles". The AHARS works fine until you do some pitch maneuvers. Then it won't come back to level for about 2 minutes.

Mine had a somewhat similar problem about a year and a half ago. In my case, the attitude indicator would roll slowly onto its side after flying along for about 15 minutes or so, but mine would not correct itself once this happened.

The problem turned out to be micro cracks in the solder joints on the sensor core. I wonder if you might have a similar issue and that perhaps Genesys wasn't looking for something like this. It might be worth having them take a second look.
