
I'm new to forum and doing a bit of info gathering capabilty of a panel in an RV I'm buying. I'm from the certified world (TB-20) and VERY glad to have choices vs awaiting STC'ed components. Below is a pic and a sellers list of Avionics.

However, I'm unfamiliar with Chelton IFR MFD's.... as I came from a full IFR panel on my Trinidad with Garmin GNS 530W (WAAS), dual G5's, and some redundant steam gauges.

Any input on strengths/limitations of this ~2008 instalation appreciated!

RV panel:
Chelton dual IFR PFD/MFD,
TruTrak AP with auto level
Garmin G5 backup
Lnyx NGT-9000 ADSB
AFS AOA system
MVP-50 engine monitor


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Well, the main thing to know is that while Chelton had a good reputation as far as I know, they have been out of business for at least a dozen years. Repairs/service are very hard to come by. Realistically, you should probably budget money for replacement.
Well, the main thing to know is that while Chelton had a good reputation as far as I know, they have been out of business for at least a dozen years. Repairs/service are very hard to come by. Realistically, you should probably budget money for replacement.

Chelton is not out of business.

They simply orphaned the experimental product line a number of years ago.
Well… we have an -8, bought flying, that was equipped with the very same very expensive screens, albeit vertically positioned.
Try as we could, no update was possible, and most of the things malfunctioned, such as tilted ADI, constant aural warnings with only short reset possible…

Outta despair we ended up ditching them Chelton, and replacing the lot with GRTs… the main reason being ease of installation thanks to the compatible EIS system. And their physical size.
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It sounds like you’ve already purchased the plane and are interested in capabilities. I have an RV10 with basically the same setup that your picture shows. Most of the cons of the system have already been mentioned. I will say that I’ve experienced most of the frustrations that others have mentioned, however I haven’t yet experienced an issue for which I couldn’t find a solution.

Regarding capabilities, I think the system will be more capable than the 530 and G5s that you are accustomed to. The Cheltons have their own IFR databases and selecting procedures and approaches is easier than the 430/530 button pushing (in my opinion). The Chelton buttons will also control the AP that you have, making autopilot inputs easy and intuitive. Traffic and ADSB weather can also be displayed on the Cheltons.

Congratulations and have fun with your new plane!
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Several years ago I purchased a used Lancair Super ES with dual Chelton screens. I thought menu structure and database downloads were not near as intuitive as the Garmin stuff I was used to. After owning for 6 months, one screen went "blue" on me. No repairs available. Replaced the system with G3X system. Was happy I did. Cost me more $'s than I was expecting on the plane I just bought, but found it was worth it.

Thanks all for the great input and yes, I'm close to buying the RV-10. I have to say, after flying with the seller (no IFR capability demonstrated yet) the system was impressive ..even if already 'dated' vs more current glass panels.
All seemed to be well integrated as there was traffic and moving map displayed and the autopilot was even controlled from the Chelton MFD. Assuming the GPS and Adsb traffic info came from the Lynx NGT-9000..
I built an RV10 with Chelton’s and replaced with G3X about 3 years ago. I would say the Chelton’s are still more capable than the G3X with the latest software.

Reasons for replacing:

1) Units no longer well supported
2) I fly IFR and something failed about every 6 months. Those were hardware failures, with reboots happening even more often. After failing twice in actual IFR, I could no longer trust the system.
3) Downtime twice a year for at least a few weeks to get it fixed was no fun.
3) Costs to fix anything was outrageous. 3 years ago, the starting cost for a simple issue was $2500, and went up from there. Payback to replace with G3X was short.

Possible panel upgrade

So given my set up in first post, and given available space upon removal of the Chelton(s), it appears I have space for only 1x 10.1" G3X. Id like to leave autopilot as-is in addition to the 2 older radios (save $). But what will I loose in IFR capability (besides seemless control of AP and radios thru the G3X MFD possibly)? Oh and then there is the Lynx NGT-9000 with Adsb in-out that would be a shame to scrap (it likely wont talk to G3X with adsb traffic/weather?).

I'm guessing an investment in replacing the head of the Trutrac AP (it's servos should be stepper motors so ancontact told me those can be saved?) and eliminating the 2 older radios with a WAAS GPS with integral NAV/Radios..might allow full control through the single G3X? At what cost difference tho? I like easy IFR (reduces workload) but don't mind reaching away from the MFD occationally to a radio, AP, or engine monitor. But not ALL..reaching accross 2 instruments is my ideal max.

Thx for input on anyone with similar systems or just better than my 'novice avionics understanding'.

Pacific Coast Aviation gave me 3-4 options but since I'm only just now workung towards my IFR, I'm a bit confused as to what's money best spent. With Dewry's permission I can post his suggestions.
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I’d encourage you to understand the plane and the Cheltons before making significant changes. Next time you are in the PDX area go see Rob at Advanced Flight Systems and discuss his panel option ideas.

Chelton update

Update: after flying 20 or so hours and with the help of a friend who's help with my transition... I really like the Cheltons. Only done basic flt olans and approiaches so far and all is very intuitive. Will be sticking with them until/if reliability becomes a concern. In the mean time I've bought some Chelton backup hardware to prevent potential of non-sypporr downtime.
Thanks to all that advised.