Thanks John but my insurance company Old Republic states same make and model.

I think you're going to struggle finding someone with an RV-9A with a LODA that gives transition training. Mostly, insurance companies seem to be pretty agreeable to training in other A model RVs, if you explain the situation.

Alternatively, if insurance won't budge, then maybe your next best option would be to take advantage of the Additional Pilot Program for Phase I Flight Test, and have someone that's qualified be the PIC for the first flight(s) until you can get insurance approved.

Even if you are insurance approved for your first flight, the additional pilot program is a great option to use.
Thanks John but my insurance company Old Republic states same make and model.

I had Old Republic when I took my transition training for my 9A - they agreed to another model "with similar flight characteristics" which covers a lot of ground in the RV family. I took my dual with Alex D in his 10 and that satisfied them.

Asking the question is free... :D
New Information?

BTW Check with insurance carrier on the deductible for phase I, one VAF member found that it was a percent of insured, not a fixed amount during P-1 and he took a significant bite.