
Well Known Member
After 9 LONG years, I am scheduled for my DAR inspection Monday. I am trying to get everything I possibly need together so there are no hickups. I know Pre Flight, after takeoff, landing checklists are not required for the DAR but I would like to have them ready for when the flying starts.

I am working on my PHO taking info from other examples but I wondered if anyone had a fixed pitch (Catto) and a G3x touch panel that would be willing to send me a copy. Im still working on my license so all I have to go by is what I was given for the 172!

Thanks for the help.
Some of it will depend on how you have your G3X configured.

I'm going to have to do sort of the same thing. I have a G3X touch in my RV9A. But, I have a Sling 2 with a G3X touch in it. There's really not much difference with that panel vs. steam gages. X-ponder, radio, altimeter, etc are all pretty generic, just different approaches as to how you set them.:)
cart before the horse

The first 3 items on my G3X RV-9A checklist are:
1. Backup Battery - ON
2. Master - ON
3. Wait for G3X to initialize
Then I can check-off those first 3 items after scrolling to the checklist page. I keep my old laminated paper checklist in the map pocket.