
Well Known Member
Make sure you are checking that your counter weights are secured and the bolts are tight during your inspections. This one required quite a bit of work to access, but the loose counter weight screws were hanging down and almost ready to jam the rudder :eek:
The same precaution holds true for the elevator weights.
This is not the first time I've run into this.

PS: the big cut out was required because there is a bulkhead that had to have holes drilled in it to access the nuts, these tall rudders have these nuts buried pretty good.

Good advice. Should be a part of every preflight inspection.

If you're still building, make a backing plate with two nutplates behind each counterweight, so you won't need to make an access hole to tighten the bolts.
nice paint. at least your cuts are straight.

it may be possible to use the cut out piece in the repair?
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